Satisfaction, peace of mind and confused thoughts

in Steem Venezuela6 days ago

Steemit friends all greetings of success always to you all wherever you are...

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There are many interesting things that can be expressed through our feelings in a work. Before going any further I invite steemians friends @walictd, @vivigibelis and @f2i5 to take part in a contest "Writing course / Curso de escritura #wewrite"


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Satisfaction and peace of mind.

Maybe the first thing you see is the very beautiful colored sun or in other words the sunset. Which gives satisfaction to anyone who looks at it. It's such a comfortable feeling when you can see the beauty of nature.

A bird that flies at dusk indicates that it is heading towards its resting place or its nest. They fly in groups, indicating that they foster a strong partnership that keeps other birds away. forming a colony that gives the power to fly long distances. The flapping of his wings makes him even more determined to continue trying to reach very long distances. Meanwhile, birds that fly alone usually have strength or energy that we cannot take lightly. The point is that whether they fly in groups or alone, they will return to their nest to rest.

As individuals who live on the surface of the earth, the picture of life is very clear that in life we ​​need peace of mind, both when we are with a group or when we are alone. Because what we do is part of seeking life satisfaction. The beauty of life is anyone's hope, that's how life is, we will look for the most beautiful things so that our life can also make our souls calm.


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Confused thoughts

Very dark clouds indicate that a storm will soon come which is related to someone's feelings that are very confused or look like they have no hope.

Soil mixed with stones and dirt, which indicates that there are many challenges that must be faced in living life.

This little sunlight indicates that in living a person's life it will be gloomy, like gloomy light.
A high mountain with an uneven surface indicates that a person's journey will experience significant obstacles, which will make that person have to be extra careful.

Bones that appear all over the body indicate that the person is suffering, with very heavy suffering and followed by never-ending sadness.

A head gripped with two hands indicates that someone is experiencing a problem for which it is very difficult to find a solution.

A river with wavy water indicates that life will not run smoothly as we dream.
Bulging eyes indicate that the person is looking at his life which is not in a good condition and he is thinking about this which makes him fall into trouble, which is followed by wrinkles on his face which is a very sensitive thing for a person in living his life.

Of course, this is something experienced by everyone who lives life and it is impossible for this life to run perfectly. Every life has its ups and downs, requiring a very long struggle. Whether we are satisfied or dissatisfied is something that depends on ourselves. So if we feel dissatisfied with the results we have achieved, we should look for a way out, don't just accept what happened. The efforts we make are never in vain.

Look for solutions, never hold it in, which will ultimately be detrimental to ourselves. Black or white in life, we can control it. Because what we experience today is a reflection of the future. We have to do whatever it takes to avoid feeling dissatisfied with what we do. Never stop trying to find the best for our lives.

I would like to thank @wakeupkittty , @inspiracion for organizing this very interesting contest. Greetings @muzack1.


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Steemit friends all greetings of success always to you all wherever you are...
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There are many interesting things that can be expressed through our feelings in a work. Before going any further I invite steemians friends @walictd, @vivigibelis and @f2i5 to take part in a contest "Writing course / Curso de escritura #wewrite"

Affects your flashy start! I read your title and thought: Let's read and next I read this! Place this info underneath your text so title and text ar one.

If there was a bonus point I would give it to you for the way you used the subtitle to describe what you feel.

Hai, pertama-tama saya mengucapkan terimakasih anda telah menyebutkan saya disini.

Benar sekali yang anda katakan pak, dari pembukaan yang membuat banyak orang akan penasaran untuk melanjutkan membaca tulisan beliau. Semoga beruntung...!


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