SEC-S18-W1: A Story With My Camera - The Cat on the Lap

Stand up Comedian(4).jpg

I fell asleep on my best friend's lap.
It's comfortable and warm. He gives me strength and energy and makes me feel welcome but...


Am I dreaming?

It might sound odd but this is what I saw... What do you think should I have alarmed humankind or let it be? As a tomcat I rather play dumb before they blame me just like they always blame Tom instead of that annoying, creepy mouse Jerry.


It is daytime I can tell by the sky although it's dark, it didn't fell and not many humans are outside. There is a robot standing high shouting the aliens had taken over the world and we all have to hurry to the marketplace as ordered. He shouts about some mark that is made and draws it in the air. It is a kind of X although I can be mistaken since I don't hear too well plus never learned the alphabet.
I see humans and animals run and fly by but I can't move a paw. No way I leave my human friend behind I worked way too hard to drill him to let go of my personal servant. I know he is still around because I hear his heartbeat and his voice saying: There's nothing to worry about.


Nothing to worry about?
Why are all those people leaving? They are in a hurry and have no intention to stay. I try to move my paws to warn my friend, how come I am paralyzed and he doesn't see what I see? Did fear take over the atmosphere?

Why are you guys leaving, why are you in such a hurry, I meow but they don't answer. Help, help what's the rush, why are you all in such a hurry? Isn't anyone of you able to speak?


What's the fuss, buzzes a bee, can't you see I'm still here? We all are and have to work lazy cat. Why do you make such a noise? Your meowing is deafening, go back to sleep if you have nothing better to do.

The bee in the poppy tries to ignore me I am 100 per cent sure she does.

Beeee, I meow but at the same moment I do...
flash I end up in an unknown room. I have never seen a place like this and keep low while I investigate it. What kind of place is this and why does it smell so unfamiliar?


Shocked I ran underneath a dresser who are those people and where is my guardian? I can no longer hear his hearbeat or his voice and that light hurts my eyes.

Scared I hide and hold my breath as I hear the footsteps coming closer.

Here is it, a man says.

What is the 'here' this stranger talks about? Is it the X the robot has transferred me to?

Make yourself at home.

It doesn't look like home to me and it doesn't feel like home to her. She cries which I can see if I peep at her from under the dresser. I miss my human and have no idea where he is. Slowly, I creep closer. If this is the end of the world then I rather be with her than alone.

Merow? Questioningly, I look at her.

Hello cat, where do you come from? Is your life such a mess too? I've never seen a tomcat like you. You are very big. Do you want to sit on my lap?

I hesitate but can't resist her offer. I am tired from the journey, the trip to X that I have taken unwillingly.

Silently she strokes under my chin until she asks: What is your name?

Cash-meoarrre, I meow which she misunderstoods.

Mare she says. I miss my country... if it still exists it's somewhere across the water. It is a beautiful name cat. Mine is Mira. I think MiraMare fits well together. Shall we go for a walk in the garden?


Outside we go, me and my new friend. That garden is huge and nearby is more water than I saw in my entire life.

Be careful, she says, if you fall down... I can't swim.

I hate water too, I think, I just take a bath to please my human. I hope he didn't forget me. Worried I look over the ocean next to me stands the woman who takes care of me. She is sweet but all I want is to wake up on the lap of my best friend.


@mandate @yaladeeds @blessedlife @solperez @abdullahw2 @wendyalexa @caro79

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Photos: taken by me
I am a mobile phone user only

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Holaa, creo que supiste ponerte muy bien en el lugar de un gato al momento de crear tu historia, definitivamente pienso que los gatos nos consideran como sus sirvientes personales, pero al mismo tiempo si nos llegan a perder también les molestaría jajaj

¿Qué habrá comido ese gato para soñar de esa forma?, no lo sé, pero espero que despierte pronto para que finalmente se encuentre con su mejor amiga y dueña.

Me gusto tu relato, me encetaría que te pasaras por mi entrada del concurso, también hice una historia interesante, saludos y éxitos.

Utilicé el gato de mi hijo para esta historia. No se encuentra bien en este momento. ¿Sueña o...?

Te visitaré.
Siéntase libre de dejar su enlace.

I feel kind of sad because he misses his human. I keep my hope he is in fact dreaming, well mostly having a nightmare (Mare 🤔 hummm)

By the way, how is the main character been in real life? I remember you thought it/he was sick when your left on a travel few days ago.

As usual, loved reading your writing. Best of lucks!

My son was travelling and on the day he would arrive back home the tomcat drank and eat a bit. By now he doesn't shake his head anylonger but he avoids the light and keeps hiding in the dark. Before we thought he might have bad vision or be deaf but that isn't the case.
It's more like he is afraid of light, noises, migraine?
Yesterday he sat at my sons lap for a while and next disapleared. We searched everywhere and found him in a box in the hallway. Since he drank and ate we decided to let him be.
Around bedtime he suddenly showed. Dark enough? I assume my son sat with him for a while or longer (to give energy).

Thanks for reading me and your concern.
A happy Sunday.

P. S. Miramare is the name of the castle in Italy. The last photo is a picture of that garden.


Well, the tomcat is giving signs of getting better. Glad to "hear" that.

Thanks for the cultural tip, I had no idea. My imagination made other conclusions.

I like to hear what you thought 😁
Whatever it is, it's good since that's the great thing about stories and art.

Me resulta fabulosa la personificación del gato, cómo mira su entono y cómo analiza lo que hacen los humanos, jajaja. Esto es genial.

Puede sonar extraño pero esto es lo que vi... ¿Qué crees que debería haber alarmado a la humanidad o haberlo dejado así? Como gato, prefiero hacerme el tonto antes de que me culpen, como siempre culpan a Tom en lugar de a ese molesto y espeluznante ratón Jerry.

Creo que todos deberíamos actuar un poco como los gatos: Hacerse el tonto es una buena forma de estar en paz, jajaja.

Me encantó leerte.

De hecho, creo que hacer el tonto es la mejor estrategia para que te dejen en paz. 🤣🤣

Jajaja. Lo suscribo, jeje.

 last month 

Muy acertada la estrategia de narrar desde la conciencia de un gato para expresar extrañeza ante el mundo que le rodea y cambiar los escenarios sin una explicación humana lógica porque el universo ficcional que ha creado no la necesita. Quedamos convencido de que un felino puede penetrar en las acciones de una abeja y pasar de inmediato a otro asunto sin ningún problema. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos...

Hahaha....your post reminds me of Tom and Jerry the animation cartoon I used to watch during my childhood. Tom was always the one getting the blame instead of Jerry who was the trouble Maker..hahah.

The last words catches me, one thing I know about cat is that they're lovely and comfortable when they lay in someone laps, I can feel how happy she's when she said I want is to wake up on the lap of my best friend. That's so lovely and caring enjoy life when living with humans that love them. I really enjoyed reading your post and I wish you all the best of luck..🤗

Thank yoh for reading and commenting!
Jerry is the trouble maker isn't he. I always felt fkr Tom and his owners aren't the kindest folks around. I once taped some episodes of german TV all spoken in German and rhyme. I love them most of all.

They say dogs are loyal but cats are too and I noticed many animals are and they do recognize the owner even years later.


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Hello, I am fine, I hope you are fine too, and as you have discussed with us about your cat, I know that you are very much interested in this matter. have been taken from because as soon as you talk, we have done so many people, such as the story you have written for him, so I know further that I will get many more from him. Things are good, your photography is really amazing because you share everything with us with interest and like your routine work with a camera font is very nice. So I hope that you will share it with us in the future. Thank you

Hi dear,
Tha k you for your comment. I am no longer a photographer perhaps I start again thanks to Steemit and contests like these.


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