THE DIARY GAME: 03/11/2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Africa4 years ago

Hello Steem world!

Previous day, i came back tire and at the same time having headache. I took some medications after which i went to bed and before going to bed, i set my phone on multiple alarms to wake up at night but unfortunate for me, i did not hear the sound of any alarm not to talk of hearing it before hitting the snooze button to wake up later.

I woke up late and not strong by 7am and as usual i did my morning meditation after which i had my bath, breakfast, drank my medications again before living for work. I left the house by 8pm, and trek for some distance before i could get a bike. Getting a motor bike by this time is not easy as its the same time when students are going to school. I would have love to stay at home but i couldn't as i did not push the work i did the previous the to our local server in the office so the other team members can fetch and work on it.

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-03 at 8.50.50 PM.jpeg

I finally got a bike and by 9am, i was in the office and when i got to the office, even thou late i thought someone would have made some coffee but no one did. I went straight to the kitchen and filled the coffee maker with some water and coffee before i came back and set up my machine. Before i was done setting up my machine, the coffee was ready so i had some for myself.

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-03 at 8.50.51 PM (1).jpeg

I like working with a cup of coffee beside me or any other desserts. First thing i did was to check if i had any task assigned to me after which i added it in my todo list of the day. My main task today was setting up all database tables and files for a new website. This project or website was about an NGO (none governmental institution called ASOWWIP).
The main goal of this organization is working to uplift the standards of indigenous women and girls and it is also a women lead organization.

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-11 at 4.23.43 AM (1).jpeg

I did set up the necessary tables, taking care of all my relationships and collations as well as some the basic pages of the project base on the mockup that was giving to me by the frontend team while pending design. i later went back home by 3pm since i was not feeling hoping to continue with the project the next day


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Quite an eventful day, but truncated with health challenge.

So, you are a regular Coffee man like me? Great. But have ever suspected that the recurring headache could be associated with Coffee withdrawal or addict syndrome??

i thought as much and due to that, im currently trying to reduce the rate at which i drink it per day.
I usually drink it at least three times a day, but now once

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