in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear steemians, trust we are all doning great. Today i will like to talk about self defense.


Christians, always have this mentality that God will protect them from both physical and spiritual attacks, please don't get me wrong God is able to do all things, but we are in a world where crime and violence are on the increase. In most cases, Christians are in the most vulnerable state partly due to Christ's injunction.

Let us look at what self-defence is.
SelfSelf-defence can be defined as "protecting oneself from injury at the hand of others. We can also say that it it is concerned with protecting a persons health, property and life when being threatened by another.

But mind you that there is a clear difference between self-defence and vengeance or retaliation. Self-defence is not about about taking vengeance neither is it about premeditated attack on others. The commandment of Jesus to "turn the other cheek" in Matthew 5:39 has to do with our response to personal slights and offences. Some situations may call for self-defence, but not retaliation in return. In this sence, Jesus is teaching us against the idea of "an eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth". Our self defence is not a vengeful reaction to an offence. In fact, many offences can simply be absorbed in forbearance and love (Romans 12:17-21).


We shouls bear in mind that the Bible has never forbidden self-defence, and Christians are free to defend themselves and thier love ones or Properties, but you shouldn't act out of anger of in foolishness. You must have wisdom regarding when to fight back and when not to, in order not to make mistakes and cause more danger to the situation.

For one to execise self defense, it will simply depend on the situation in which you are faced with.
You should not be too quick to use deadly force or words against another, even when the person wants to do you harm. Deadly force is expected to be a last thing in the event of a panicked or surprise attack, that is in a scenario where you are confused and disoriented. Agodly person should try to restrain the attacker rather than an immediate resort to killing.

It is soo important for everyone to undergo basic trainings on safety.
Thanks for reading.

 3 years ago 

Good writeup cherie but then chritians are still humans and we sometimes act before thinking in the face of danger,attacks etc
Happy sunday.

 3 years ago 

Thank u dearly
Us Christians we need to learn self defence not vengeance