MY DIARY GAME:05/05/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hi lovely's been awhile I hope we're all doing great? It's another moment for me to present to you all my diary of how I spent my day yesterday.

I was up by 7am, said my prayers then went straight to start doing my chores which includes cleaning the house and washing the dishes...when I was done,I had breakfast which was made of tea, bread and eggs😋..

9pm when I was done with everything I sat down to rest I got my phone switched on my data started replying to messages on Whatsapp while waiting for lights to come back so I could watch a movie... surprisingly enough instead of the usual 12pm lights were back by 10pm,I was so happy 🤗I immediately switch on the TV and tuned to ROK TV a movie was on already and it was so interesting that it got me emotional that I didn't even know when tears rolled down my eyes😥the title of the film is UNRAVELED.

When the movie was over,at about 2pm I went in had my bath came out and left for mile 4 junction to run and errand for my elder sister who's in Dubai and also to wash my hair in a 4pm I was done with everything and was on my way home,I decided to stop by a friend's place to say hi were I stayed there till about 6pm then later left and went home...


 3 years ago 

brief but explicitdiary. Well explained. Your day was well spent @laura-marley. Was wondering if you dont go to wrok or to school on tuesdays? But i just understood that at times one has to take some days off to rest and relax. Until the movie you watched caused you to cry. Merde. Well done

 3 years ago (edited)

It is not unsual lol! My junior Sister cries anytime she is watching this nigerian movies 😂. But i can help but wonder what she can really be crying about. No matter the kind of movies I dont think I can cry sometimes am trying to force it but it doesnt just come out🤷🏻. However fam you had a well spent day. It is good to chill sometimes.
#twopercent #cameroon

 3 years ago 

I immediately switch on the TV and tuned to ROK TV a movie was on already and it was so interesting that it got me emotional that I didn't even know when tears rolled down my eyes😥the title of the film is UNRAVELED.

I can't help laughing sorry 😂😂 I started enjoying your diary then you spoil it with tears. You watch a movie while happy and end sad. The movie unraveled your tears pattern. But what actually was the movie about? Did it uplift you? Or you just felt bad after watching it😅
Anyway it's your choice, girl's choice by the way. Always looking for where to cry
#affable #twopercent #cameroon

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