The Dairy Game: My Hectic and Stressful Last Week Experience And How I Start My Day At Work

in Steem Cameroon4 months ago

Hello lovely steemians good morning. I have actually been off for a while because last week wasn't the best for me. But I know that in life we all have bad times and good times we all pass through and we often learn from them.
It actually all began on Wednesday the 24th of January 2024 when my phone fell off a bike and the whole screen got damaged. Considering my ill health and lack of money I became so stressed and worried on what to do . I had already payed for my hospital bills because I was admitted, I had fever which came as a result of the current climate change which we all are experiencing today.
Luckily for me with the help of my brother I was able to pay for my phone to be fixed and I'm so thankiu because I couldn't afford loosing my phone at this point in time.
Furthermore,I woke up today and decided to share with everyone how my week was on my part and also how I started my day today at work. I woke up this morning and went for some morning workout because I was feeling a little stronger than the previous days. When I was back home I did the morning house cleaning and after that I prepared for work which begins at 8:00am. My motivation for this morning is that no matter what happens to you always take it as a lesson and learn something from it.


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