The Diary Game: 27-04-2022| Inspiration..

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hi steemians hope y'all are doing well..


Woke up by 6 am and said my prayers. I took my time to clean my room after praying cause I had been neglecting to do that throughout the week. When I was done, I went to have my bath and got ready to go to my mom's store. Upon getting there, it started to rain and so I didn't display goods. I just opened the door and sat inside. I decided to write a poem since I am working on a 365 days poetry scheme..

I spent time attending go costumers while waiting for my mom to come and take over.


at about 2pm, my mom finally arrived. We talked for a while and did some account balancing.
By 3pm, I left the store. I was hungry so i went home to have my meal which was our bakossi traditional soup made from cocoyam leaves and accompanied by fufu..


The meal as a whole isnt my favorite cause I don't like fufu. But I love the soup. So I drank it all.
I later on went for a walk around my neighborhood listening to music and trying to get inspiration for a new piece.
I have been working on getting in touch with the sides of me that I haven't explored so much. That's the religious, sociopolitical and cultural part of me. I spent all day thinking about ways to bring them out. So when I got home in the evening, I had to discuss with one of my mentors from Sierra Leone- Mr. Dauda kamara.


He gave me some tips of how to connect and told me a short story as well.
At the end of the day, I felt satisfied with what he'd said and so I decided to work out a daily task plan of how to go about my search for inspiration in the above mentioned niches.
I started by downloading some books I had stored away in my Google drive for when I would need them
They include:

  • The giant within
  • À thousand phases
  • If Africa had a mouth etc
    I decided to start the next day cause it was already night time and I needed to be up early the next morning.

My day was quite uneventful but Atleast í learnt something new and i got to rest as well.

Thanks for reading.

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