OUR BIRTHDAY ON STEEMIT BY @njiatanga,........04/05/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)



In our mother's words; "Happy birthday to two people who are one (@njiatanga and @tenguhatanga); having them both only doubles the fun. Join them with joy full of Enjoyment as they celebrate this best day of their lives, Its their special day".

Steem greetings fellow steemians of the steem Cameroon community to day is a special day for two very special people. Its has been quite a journey in life. Despite all the challenges we stayed focused and strong and today we celebrate a plus one to our ages all thanks to our special mother who has been nothing but our guidient angel who has been there for us in every capacity to ensure we evolve into the personalities that we are today


Today we celebrate our birthday on steemit for its the platffom we have both fallen in love with; that gives us love, peace and joy. Steeming has brought to us so much joy for several months now, hence celebrating with friends here on steemit will bring to us even great joy. We both belong to two very huge communities of steemit so we have shared the little resources we have to be able to reach out to our dear friends of these two communities that is #steemalive and #steemcameroon. We have made 40 steem available for our friends in a bit to support them for their efforts on steemit and to encourage them to continue posting and remain active as we work towards growing the platform to higher heights.

The give away for this post is simple and the instructions are as follows
  • Giveaway is for Cameroonians in the steem Cameroon community
  • Tell us when you join steemit and how you came to know @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga
  • Tell us your future plans for steemit.
  • Drop this in the comment section of this post

We have 20 steem available and the giveaway prizes will be awarded according to time of entry. This means 2 steem each for the first ten comments that fits the instructions above while we may increase number of awarded prizes as we may have donation from some esteemed steemians.

Thank you all for being there and for celebrating with us


 3 years ago (edited)

I joint Steemit on the 11th of march 2021. The first time i heard of Steemit was from @tenguhatangah
I knew @tenguhataga from the first day i met her in class, i saw so much positivity in her, so simple as her looks. The way she answered to questions in class was so amazing for me. So after the end of our first class i went close to her, introduced my self. She is so welcoming. I was so happy when she accepted me. Few weeks later she spoke to me about steemit, i had no second thoughts because i knew it can't be fake. I joined Steemit the same day she spoke to me about.Thanks so much for being my friend, also for introducing me into steemit.

I came to know about @njiataga from his twin sister @tenguhatanga when she introduce to me as her Twin brother. This was when i was about to join steemit so, @njiatanga was the one to do my registration into steemit. I couldn't wait to get his number to start charting with him. This over joy was because i am a twin and loves meeting and having twin friends. So i had his number we both discused and finally i was registered into steemit. That was not all . He showed me care and concern as he keeps checking on me time to time so i can follow and get to know more about Steemit . Then we finally met at the Wisdom Garden Hotel at Musang Bamenda for a steemit seminar which took place on Friday the 30th of March 2021. Such an amazing Twins i got.

My future plans for steemit is to contribute in creating more beautiful and creative content. Also to try so much as possible to avoid plagiarism which is one of the achievement task each newbie has to write on. And i have done mine already so i know the impacts of plagiarism on steemit and their penalties.
Happy birthday once more my favourite twins. Whishing you an everlasting joy and happiness. Stay blessed
#twopercent #cameroon

 3 years ago 

I joined steemit on April 2021, I heard about steemit from @blaisebass1 I trust everything he says, he is the only or was that only person I knew who was accustomed with Tech stuff, crypto... Infact he is the tech guy.
He showed me the ropes, helped me register an completed my achievements 1.

I haven't met @njiatanga in person but we spoke over the phone when I had gone against the rules of the group and was sent out of the post link group, he took the time to explain where I went wrong and what I did wrong to the best of my understanding. He laid emphasis on following the rules of the community. After the Educative conversation, the next day he added me back into the group earlier today. That's my only personal encounter with @njiatanga.

I havnt met @tenguhatanga yet but she seems like a really nice person.

Steemit has helped me alot so far to improve on my writing skills, to socialize, some post are really Educative like post about health in steem health.
I hope to get an expansive knowledge on crypto currency as this is my first experience and learn as much as I can on steemit there is so much knowledge being shared on this platform everyday, and I want to give as well as take.
#twopercent #cameroon.

 3 years ago 

First of all,. Happiest birthday to you both @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga. I wish you good health and success.

I joined steemit 19th April 2021. I haven't known you both personally. I only communicate with @njiatatanga on #building steem cameroon group some few times. @ive never heard about @tenguhatanga just today and now that I know about her.

It's been a great experience since I joined steemit. My future plans are ; improving my reading and writing skills to be able to post quality content, to improve my social skills as am in the midst of great steemians. I also plan to always follow the rules and regulations strictly and to make steem cameroon a better place for us all. Once more happy birthday

 3 years ago 

Happy birthday to you two once more. May Grace be abundantly poured out on you incessantly.
I joined steemit in August 2020 and I was introduced into steemit by @njiatanga who has been a friend since before that. We had always been taking on Facebook messenger. and then he later became my mentor when he signed me up.. Later on by September, he introduced me to his Sister @tenguhatanga who had joined as well. We mostly communicated through comments on our post then we exchanged contacts and got to know each other more. It has been a pleasure knowing and working with the two I must say.

This is my plan for steemit.
First of all steemit is a platform that gives you the opportunity to exploit all your skills, writing, reading, expression, cooking, taking pictures and what have you. Here I intend to make the most of my writings. Tell the world my story. And as I improve on the quality of my content I hope to teach others how to make quality content as well.

This period we have engaged in bringing as many Cameroonians on board as possible. . I will in my little way talk about steemit to everyone that I know and get them to being active and lively. Recruiting and retaining.


 3 years ago 


Before I start off the write again I want to say a Happy happy birthday birthday to the Nji and the Tanguh today in the house an hoping and suspecting we are all from Mbengwi.

celebrating the twinnies birthday

It has been a pleasure being on this platform and unforgettable something for a life I joined this platform on the 24th of February from persistent insistence from my very close friend @blaisebass1

He had been telling me about the platform for months until that faithful day when he came write to my house and forced me and created the account. When I got in, I barely know any except @blaisebass1 and @theobass and I came to know about @njiatanga first @tenguhatanga because when I got in I began noticing mostly those who voted me post and @njiatanga was a better upvote sharing and I started asking questions and later came to understand he was an admin that was so sweet and from within he just became my favorite. And only later came to know about @tanguhatanga on her notifications about the radio programs she’s usually involved in. On the future plans, I am a big dreamer with ambitions that surpass the skies from the day I got and had known enough I told I asked @saxopedia a questions some where just for clarity and others for assurance and he was shock by one of the questions which goes so I was like how does one withdraw on the steemit platform he ans “through bitcoins” I continued how can I add up my SBD merde that shocked and he still was like through Bitcoin and @blaisebass was are you for real? My answer is yes I am for I will keep just adding up until some calls my name and says please stop😂 that’s just a beginner of a plan. If you had noticed you most have seen I good I work on sensitization to bring in some many active new borns to the platform. Bamenda is on the trail and I assure you Yaoundé will hear our name and call it steemit😂😂
On this special day I wish God intervenes in every of you case and say a big Amen to all your silent prayers and directs you two to the perfect path of live. God bless you two with long lives and more birthdays to celebrate 🎉🙏.

@fombae @saxopedia @njiatanga @tanguhatanga @yeesja @the-greens
 3 years ago (edited)

Firstly Happy Birthday sir @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga I wish more financial exploits and influence.

I joint Steemit in April by the help of @saxopedia and @blaisebass1 they all guide me into this world.

Funny enough when I joint steemit I use to here of the name @njiatanga and in my mind I taught it was like a kind of hash tag😂. I had gone through a few post and people kept referring or adding that name to their post. So I started doing same with my post. Until one day. I saw someone on the group chat baring that name 😅. I felt so embarrassed. I wondered what the person would be thinking. Then again I said to myself this person must really be very influencial to have everyone tagging him in their post. I have never met neither of you that @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga but I esteem you all highly

A good future plan would be to get to an influencial place as you are in steemit someday sir.

 3 years ago 

today a king and a queen was both(@njiatanga and @tenguhatanaga).Today, on you guys birthday, I want to seize the opportunity to let you know just how important you guys are to me.I'm so grateful and happy to have you guys in my life , My dear friends, you guys are so loving and caring, and you do so much for others.i give thanks to God for bringing you guys into my life. I wish you two what you wish for your selfs and may the almighty God continue to bless you guys ..a big happy birthday for you two

I joined this wanderful platform last month April and I came know @njiatanga when my boss @yeesja introduce him to us that he is the country representative for Steem Cameroon and he will be the one to be guiding and teaching us on how to become a good steemian ,from there till date we two have really worked together and I have learned alot about Steemit and how to become a Good steemian..then I knew @tenguhatanga during the Steem Cameroon seminar on sensitization that was held on the 30-04-2021 at Musang Ntarikun

My future plans for Steemit

My future plans for Steemit is that as I have become a good steemian,I will make sure to tell everyone I come across about Steemit and how to also become a good steemian as me..I will make sure to follow up all the interested ones very well because that is also how @njiataga did to me until I became a good steemian

I want to start by wishing happy birthday to @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga.
I came to know about steemit through my very good friend @saxopedia. I was one of the first people he talked to about steemit when he first learned about it about a year and some months ago, when he told me I didn’t take him serious and neglected it until in January 2021 during the steemit seminar at YGinc. Though before going I had created an account few days before the day of the seminar. Thanks to the guidance of @fombae and saxopedia I can say I have successfully completed all the achievements in the newcomers community.

I came to know about @njiatanga thanks to steemit. Though we haven’t met physically but we communicate often and we have done financial transactions countless times though we have never met. As for @tenguhatanga , we haven’t been familiar with each other yet but we both belong to the same WhatsApp forum aimed at growing Steem Cameroon community.

My future plan for steemit is to become influential, construct high steem power so that steem Cameroonians especially those with good and non plagiarized write ups would get great upvotes from me.
Thanks for reading and once again
Happy birthday @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga
🥳 🎉🎂🥳🎈🎊🎁


 3 years ago 

Happiest belated birthday to you the big two. I,@lukong joined steemit in March 2021. I was contacted by @blaisebass1 from Bamenda while amd in Douala. It was not easing for him to guide me through the registrations online because of network and electricity issues. But essential is am in steem and steeming big time.
Now as to how i knew @njiatanga and @tenguhatanga, honestly i do not know the two in person. The time i cam to know about @njiatanga was where i saw his vote that gave me something that made sense then i went into finding out who the person was.
.My future plans are to see have at least 10k sp so that my votes will also bless others. Given the projecrs @steemcameroon is bringing up i see myself achieving this goal in less than 3 years

Once more happy womb escape

 3 years ago 

I'll first of all start by wishing @njiatanga and @tenguatanga a happy birthday. I've never actually known they both persay, I just see them on the platform
My plans for steemit are to always make sure to contribute sp to steem Cameroon, pls up my account to a level where I can be doing influential votes, make sure to help newbies with corrections and their achievements. That's all I can say for now but I'm sure more is coming

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