The Diary Game. 05/05/2024// Replanting In My Farm

in Steem Cameroon2 months ago

Hello everyone it's my pleasure and I'm happy to be here with you. How are you doing? Hope you are in a safe hands.

I woke up at about 6am in the morning thanking God for his Marcy for seeing another new day is what I don't like to fail or ignore.

I headed to my farm to see how my crops look like. Reaching there I found out that my maize, yam and the cassava I planted, that some have died and need to be replanted.


Thank God I still have some of the cassava streams I remain the last time i plant i went and bought it out cut it and replant it again. Unfortunately the maize and the yam did not germinate well and I don't have any replacement for those one. of course I expected that due to how the weather has changed no rain.


every thing in the farm is dieing, too much sun no rain that can help the plants germinate well. I don't know if I should say we are having a climate change because it only rains once in awhile like once in two weeks some time three weeks with a lot of sun shining as if we are in the dry season.This situation has really dealt with people's crops but I still thank God for everything if not for anything but for life.

When it was in the afternoon, when I finish preparing lunch for my family, I headed to my friend's house Chichi to visit her and also help me and shake some certain things concerning the business deal we did. Before I could open my eyes it was o ready evening and I have to go home and prepare dinner for the family. I don't like cooking at night especially now our power supply is faulty and what I'm preparing was rice I know it will take some time before I could finish Preparing it.

Immediately I stood up my friend Chichi was like stay a little bit more. But I couldn't I have to go so I will be able to finish cooking on time and thank God i deed. Before you know I have reach my home because the distance was not far.

After the dinner I stay with my husband outside to receive some fresh air, I remember that tomorrow is another busy working day I have to wake up on time and prepare the kids to school so I left my husband, went and freshen up and and rested.


my dinner for today.

That was how my day went to day. Hope you enjoyed knowing how it went.



You are really a hard working person I must confess because it is not actually easy combining all these together. You are doing a great job

 2 months ago 

Thanks for your appreciation.

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