The Diary Game [19/03/2024] /: My Sunday

in Steem Cameroon2 months ago

My Sunday

Hi there!

Greetings to you all and welcome to my diary post. I hope each and every one of you is doing great. As for me, I'm doing great as well. I bring to you my diary title My Sunday. Continue to read along with me.

Dear diary.

It's another Sunday again, what a wonderful day to go Worship Lord my God again. Sundays are always the best and I make sure I make each and every one of them unique.

I woke up today at 6:30 a.m., which is my usual time, next thing I do is go brush my teeth, then do some laundry as I wasn't going to have enough time in the afternoon when I'm back from church. Everything went on smoothly and I finish my laundry when it was already 8:00.

I hurrily took my bath and then move to the kitchen to see what I can get for breakfast. Well I prepare some fries and some sauce. That is what I took for breakfast this morning.


After my breakfast I quickly dressed up and off my way to church. My ride to church usually take 10 minutes. By exactly 9:30 a.m. I was already at the church premises.

Procession was just about to begin, so I quietly moved to my seat and have a moment of meditation, and then sang with the rest of the church as the pastor committee sworn in with the cross.

They Church then proceed with the reading of the first and second lesson, followed by the text of the day. Preaching was so nice that the whole Church gagger with joy when The pastor was done preaching.

There was limited activities in church today so we closed today immediately at 11. :00 a.m. I stay back to take a few pictures before leaving.

After service

Okay, when I arrived home, I changed, took some moment to rest , by then I was already hungry and the most available thing I could prepare was fries 🍟. Bachelor's life. next year maybe 🤣


After taking my rest, was a little bit bored at home so I decide to go out on a walk. The best position I could could pick for a walk was go to the park. This is a sporting center located in my area. Here I am able to do car watch while feeling some cool breeze.

Alright, I went alone to the park, so I was my own company there. I look around and found nothing doing, so I started throwing the little stones around me. It was quite interesting and funny though.


chilling at the park

I was also able to make some calls to family and friends.. As the environment is quiet, conducive and chat accommodating. Night was fast approaching and I had to go back home. So I left the place around 6:30 p.m..

Back at home I arrived Just went a football match was about playing. It was a English FA cup, which was Manchester City versus Newcastle fc. Quite an Interesting Match, Just so you know, Manchester City is my favorite football club. So I was thrilled to watch the match all through ended with a rain for Manchester city, 2: 1. I'm so happy for the win.😊

fun evening watching match

Dear diary. I Had a wonderful Sunday full of lots of fun as I was able to create a moment for myself and enjoy the day afterall without waiting for, or on any anyone to have company. I look forward to more Sundays like this.

Happy reading



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