政府的價值\政府喺實體經濟當中所發揮嘅作用\政府喺市場所擔當扮演嘅角色只 係相等於香港共識選舉公式voting power等如︱√ ̄(shares you own\total shares a government issued)︱裏面嘅一項參數 或者換句話講 全世界嘅政府都應該 被香港共識選舉公式voting power等如︱√ ̄(shares you own\total shares a government issued)︱裏面嘅一項參數√ ̄全部替換掉
This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.
This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out.
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