Corona virus Update and vaccination Program of Bangladesh ...

in DTube3 years ago

Hello everyone,

you know that right now avoid getting very dangerous situation. But right now this situation is better than a month ago because he was I got this coronavirus affected to many people and many people died because of this but right now there is every country have vaccination programme is started. So there is no who many people died there. So I hope this destination program with working properly because if this vaccine is working properly then there are no and death and no people are affected by this virus. So, you know that the virus is very very dangerous and it takes to many life with don't want to death too many people and we don't want to lost too many people because it make and effected through much so I hope this Jacksonville Wework very properly and there is less affected side effect of these vaccination programme and I hope there is no life are gone by this day.

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The WHO World Economic Forum is doing what the Germans did in SECRET to reduce the JEWISH population

We all are now the JEW set for "EVACUATION". watch the movie "Conspiracy" below to know that means "EXTERMINATION" at Canadian Concentration /detainment Camps.

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