Many changes in life prove useful.

in Best of India2 years ago

Hello friends


When we consider the current situation, it makes us wonder where we are wasting our time.How will the future of the country be awakened when the youth are wasting their time on social media in this Corona era? This is a question that arises in the minds of parents.

Young people are spreading true and false rumors or news on social media like entertainment. It's not that social media has its disadvantages. There are advantages, but they are worth it. Spending 1 hour on social media for entertainment is not bad but spending 8 to 10 hours a day in it proves to be harmful.

We spoil the future to entertain today.I think this is a magic in which you and I are all trapped. So many problems arise. As education is being affected, the external body is being affected, thus being affected in many ways. Getting out of this trap proves to be very difficult. It has become a habit to give. From the appearance of which the fact of our life does not appear. But is this right? If not This is not right. Without them, life would be more colorful. This is not to say that social media should not be used. Use it for good.

The point is, such situations are more likely to come to mind than just thinking about them. As I was thinking about this, I began to wonder if this was affecting my life. I was terrified of what would happen. How to get out? But I relaxed. Then bring changes in my life. This has proved to be right for me. I'm glad I understood this early on.

Please tell me what you have to say about this matter.

I hope you like it.
Thank you.


Social media has become the weapon of masses. Whosoever gets trapped in this, then it becomes very difficult to come out. It has dominate our minds as we can't resist without it. Its been a very long time since I stopped using social media and ofcourse it was nothing I was just wasting my time over it. Social media has destroyed the young generation as we are witnessing its consequenses.

You are absolutely right. How much it has become so dominant now that it has become almost impossible to get out of it. thank you @princa for giving your opinion.


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