Steem Skillshare | Japanese Compliments That Make Your Day | 20 % @steemskillshare

Hello SteemSkillshare,

You can change the day by doing positive things through genuine compliments. Telling someone that he is good will make him happy and feel important. Appreciating the day, nature or foods will make us more happy. This act of positivity will enhance our mental well-being .

Today, I will share with you Japanese Compliments. This will help you connect with Japanese and create a good relationship. Learning this compliments will help you appreciate and motivate more in learning Japanese Language.


  • 1.Omoshiroi/おもしろい - Interesting, funny, enjoyable, entertaining
    Ano eiga ha omoshirokatta / あのえいがはおもしろかった / That movie was interesting
    Steem Skillshare ha omoshiroi desu / Steem Skillshare はおもしろいです- Steem Skillshare is interesting.

  • 2.Kakkoii / かっこいい - use to describe something or someone is good-looking or cool.
    Kare ha kakkoii desu /かれはかっこいいです./ He is good looking
    Ano kyappu ha kakkoii /あのキャップはかっこいい - That cap is cool.



  • 3.Keiyoushi /Jouzu/ umai /けいようし/じょうず/うまい- skillfull, good
    @crypto.lion ha e ga jouzu desu./ @crypto.lion はえがじょうずです./@crypto.lion is good in drawing.
    Kanojo ga supeingo ga umai /かのじょスペインごがうまい。/She speaks Spanish well.


  • 4.Suteki /すてき- means wonderful, splendid, beautiful, or great.
    Suteki na hi desu/すてきなひです/ A beautiful day.
    @milakz ha sutekina seikaku wo motteimasu/ @milakz はすてきなせいかくをもっています。- @milakz has a wonderful personality.


  • 5.Kawaii / かわいい - cute
    Sono Hana kawaii desu ne./そのはなかわいいですね。/ That flower is cute
    Kono Neko kawaii desu./このねこかわいいです / This cat is cute.
  • 6.Sugoi/すごい - amazing ( strength), great (skills)
    Hanabi sugoi da./はなびすごいだ。/The fireworks was amazing.
    Kobe ha sugoi senshu deshita/コベはすごいせんしゅでした- Kobe was a great athlete.

  • 7.Ii ne / いいね- good, emphasize appreciation, that's good
    Ii tenki desu ne / いいてんきですね / The weather is good.


  • 8.Subarashii /すばらしい - great, sensational, nice, fascinating, wonderful

Subarashii basho./すばらしいばしょ。/It's wonderful place.
Subarashii aidea / すばらしいアイデア。/Great ideas.


  • 9.Oishii /おいしい- Delicious.
    Chahan ga oishii / チャーハンがおいしい- Your fried rice is delicious.
    Oishisou / おいしそう - It looks delicious.

  • 10.Yoku dekimashita/Yoku yatta ne/よくできましたよくやったね. Well done, Good job.
    Anata ha shukudai wo yoku yatta ne/あなたはしゅくだいをよくやったね- Your homework is very good.

I hope you will learn and remember these Japanese compliments. For your questions and suggestions please drop your comments or add me in discord jobreyes24#7388.

Nihongo wo manabi nagara tanoshimimasyou. Mata ne.
日本語を学びながら楽しみましょう。 またね。
Let's have fun while learning Japanese. See you 😊😊😊.

@jobreyes24 yori


Excellent post! I've had fun learning those Japanese compliments.

Yoku yatta ne ;D

Arigatou. Otanoshimi ni shite kudasai./ Thank you . Please have fun.

Yoku dekimashita, Yoku yatta ne🤗

Arigatou gozaimashita.

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