
Will I get stung ? or will it be more like Bumble where hot chicks hang out in some cities?

didn't you see the announcement? Steem is forking. New blockchain is HIVE, and it is forking Justin Sun out.

Yeah I read it after I saw your post. It will be interesting to see what happens but my prediction is that HIVE will have a fraction of the value that STEEM will retain. That is typically what happens with forks.

We can use Horizen, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum Classic as examples.

I find it funny how once Justin bought Steemit Inc all these people came back and charged up and now they are all behind the previous witness group.....etc But 4 weeks before that when the same Witnesses were "running the show" they could care less about STEEM and it was a boring place where the price had flat-lined.

What do you think HIVE will be with the same code and same witnesses in charge but with less exchange support?

because no one likes to be ruled by Justin Sun. There are also a lot of changes in the works now that everything has been shaken up. also, most of the community will dump their steem....

it will not be the same.
Ned and Steemit Inc were a huge detriment to the chain.....that was one reason i personally stopped using steemit....

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