Top Health Technologies to Watch: DNA Avatars from Holiverse by Lado Okhotnikov, Bristol-Myers Nanocapsules, and RealView Ultrasound Innovations

in #holiverse3 months ago

Personalized medicine is not about a “miracle drug” that suits everyone. It is about an approach where every nuance is important: genetics, lifestyle, even the microcosm inside us. All this helps to create a treatment that works specifically for you. I wonder, how such approaches can change your health? Read on to learn about the latest advances in personalized medicine.

Nanotechnology in medicine

Nanomaterials have become widespread in medicine. This is understandable: the small size of the particles allows them to easily penetrate the skin and tissue. The main task of a person is to learn to control them. After all, uncontrolled nanoparticles in the human body can cause harm, not benefit.

Let’s take, for example, particles of mineral dust – why not a nanomaterial? When inhaled, the particles firmly stick to the walls of the bronchi with sharp edges, causing severe lung disease. Scientists have solved this problem, learned how to model nanoparticles of the required size with specified properties. Targeted drug delivery technology using untethered microrobots.

Now nanomaterials and nano-devices are widely used in diagnostics and treatment. Their importance is hard to overestimate.

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Top Health Technologies to Watch: DNA Avatars from Holiverse by Lado Okhotnikov, Bristol-Myers Nanocapsules, and RealView Ultrasound Innovations

Targeted drug delivery technology using untethered microrobots. Source:

Targeted drug delivery systems have been created based on nanocapsules. Such capsules are made of a material neutral to the body, in which drugs are placed. The well-known drug ABRAXANE® for cancer treatment from Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (USA) was created according to the same principle.

Nanocapsules are also used for targeted delivery of drugs for skin diseases and as part of nanogels for the transfer of stem cells. Pinpoint drug delivery reduces the toxic impact on healthy tissues, increases the effectiveness of the drug and accelerates recovery.

Nanotechnology has made a real breakthrough in diagnostics. Thanks to nanoparticles, doctors can determine the disease at a lower molecular level, diagnosing the disease at the earliest stage. This is especially important for cancer. Nanoparticles are designed so that they bind to tumor biomarkers and become visible during examination. Thus, the disease is detected at the earliest stage.

Nanosensors are successfully used in express tests for the early and rapid diagnosis of diabetes, heart attack and infectious diseases.

Holographic technologies

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RealView Imaging Adopts Intel® RealSense™ Technology for HOLOSCOPE-i™ Holographic Augmented Reality Medical System.

Therapeutic lasers help treat inflammation and speed up metabolism. But their capabilities do not end there: they are also used to create holographic images of internal organs.

Holography is the process of recording and restoring three-dimensional images that are effectively used in minimally invasive surgeries and detailed examination of internal organs. This technology allows you to create and visualize volumetric holograms in space.

One of the developers of such methods is RealView Imaging, an Israeli startup that develops applications for medical imaging. The system allows you to create online interactive three-dimensional images based on angiography and ultrasound data.

RealView Imaging technology receives ultrasound, CT or MRI data and reconstructs this data in three-dimensional space, creating a hologram that a specialist can work with.

Holographic technologies are successfully used in volumetric surgery. They reduce the rehabilitation period after interventions, improve the quality of treatment and the effectiveness of procedures.

Virtual reality


Due to the effect of full immersion, metaverses create the feeling that everything is happening in reality – this is exactly what is needed for medicine. Source:

The emergence of #metaverses can take medical practice to a new level. Telemedicine is one of the most promising areas for the use of virtual reality technologies, where extended consultations can be carried out.

Metaverses are able to create the impression of reality due to the effect of deep immersion, which makes them ideal for such purposes. Doctors and patients can meet in a virtual office, using digital doubles for diagnosis and treatment at a distance.

Metaverse Virtual Space (MVS) by Lado Okhotnikov for medicine and healthy lifestyle

Lado Okhotnikov, CEO of Holiversе, the creator of the #Metaverse Virtual Space (MVS) metaverse did not stop at creating virtual reality. The company develops unique DNA-based avatars — digital models created by analyzing the human genome.

The process begins with obtaining a sample of the user’s genetic material. This is usually done by swabbing the inside of the cheek. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis.

The lab sequences the entire genome. The genome consists of 3.5 billion base pairs, which represent the code for #DNA. This data is analyzed using artificial intelligence algorithms to compare the user’s unique genetic profile with databases of how the human body works at a molecular level.

This reveals individual characteristics of the user, including their metabolism, potential susceptibility to various diseases, and even aging patterns. This information is used in conjunction with photos provided by the user to create a personalized digital avatar.

A digital avatar is a mathematical model with many variables that predict how the body will respond to various life conditions, including diet, exercise, supplements, and medical interventions. The avatar will also be able to display changes in the user’s appearance over time, taking into account the impact of lifestyle on aging and health.

Lado Okhotnikov continues to explore the possibilities of the virtual world in interaction with reality. He believes that investments in this area will benefit humanity: the technology for creating digital avatars will help avoid fatal errors during clinical drug trials and surgical interventions. According to him, these avatars are designed, among other things, to help the user better understand their body and make the right decision about treatment.

Fundamental Surgery by FundamentalVR for surgical modeling and training

An example of a successful combination of virtual and real is the Fundamental Surgery platform from the British company FundamentalVR, which specializes in VR technologies.

The platform allows you to perform various operations in a safe environment, using haptic system and interactive elements. This helps surgeons improve their skills and prepare for real operating conditions without risk to patients. The company provides training and support to doctors in more than 30 countries.

Fundamental Surgery allows doctors from all over the world to meet, consult patients, teach and learn new medical technologies.

Brain — computer interface

Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a technology developed at the beginning of the 21st century, which has received a new impetus for development along with #VR, #AI and other computer technologies. BCI allows you to control electronic devices with your thoughts.

This field of science explores the possibilities of direct communication between the human brain and external devices, such as computers, robots and medical equipment.

The development of this technology will open up new opportunities in medicine, entertainment and everyday life, providing people with alternative ways of interacting with the world around them. This tool is especially promising for people with disabilities. With the help of thought, people will be able to control objects, devices and communicate with other people.

Health and longevity are one of the main priorities of our society. We have considered only a small part of the technologies that will help a person to prevent and treat diseases. But we must not forget that technologies are just tools in the hands of a person and they must be treated wisely and responsibly.