in #holy3 years ago

after reading : Mathew 6:20 and Mark 7:23

I came up with this topic


(It entails the full description of why individuals should study the bible daily)

Have you ever drink from this wine before?
For many have drink from it yet many do not get fills with the satisfaction it gives.

Let me takes you with me into this journey of my experience, how this wine makes me feel.
How it satisfies me?

Please read with me

this is what I feel, when I drinks this again and again , it Like a having a fresh bath on the rivers of mirrors, so is the feelings, felt you if you drink from the wine of Knowledge that's from God, himself.

This is how it makes me feel, It purifies my spirit like a refines gold newly brought from fire, it lightens and enlightens my heart with knowledge and love unknown to men.

It makes me dart like a poisonous arrow at the eyes of satan, to make him flee like nefarious thief, because the word of God of which I described as a fine wine that I drink from is key healing oil that heal all soul defected by lacks, sickness, pestilence and deformities.

The wine is my soulful friend, because it's advices is much worth than thousands precious silver and gold coins of men.

If you too will drink from it, then you will comprehend and demands more of it like a hungry lion of judah.

For assuredly, I say to you, the word of God is a lamp and great light unto my path, it's clears away thick darkness and makes not the devil to buffet my mind.

For the knowledge thereof,makes me a spirit of light.
You need to drink and taste the same wine I am talking of, yes, the books of the lord, because God's spirit is in it, and the knowledge was written for a just course.

All the days of my life, since I was born, men with God's spirit have dispensed the same synonyms.

If a dead man could rise from the grave of corruption and restored in full health by the words of the lord.
How much better, will it be to live alone the things of this world and focus on the treasure of heaven that perisheth not.

The treasure of which I talk is also an ingredient in the same wine that I drink from, the fine wine of grace with delicious taste and pleasant scents.
The wine of knowledge, the wine of God, the wine of restoration,

You need to drink from the same wine daily, for it have makes me a mighty spirit under the lift and light of God's glory.

Writer : Romeo 122 is now Dexmark

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