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RE: I'm homeless but not forgotten

in #homeless8 years ago

I love the idea of using steemit for charity! It would be better to have some confirmation for these kind of posts that accumulate a lot of traction without any verification. Not saying you are benefiting off of someone elses back but it did happen on this platform in the past.
I just created free stickers that I'am sending out to people. Worldwide. For free. People could for example use them in order to brand their post images and at the same time verify themself a bit.
They are available here:


I have posted my linkedin, it is linked to my username. I am happy to provide any additional confirmation via slack.

I missed the link! I didn't mean to say anything towards you of course just that we need some sort of proper verification for posts so people dont fraud the system. Besides upvoting maybe we could also open an account where people can send micro donations and we distribute the funds accumulated to charity?

I love steemit for this.
We can help anybody with just a click,and it costs us nothing.
It is amazing how we can help out other people.
Im glad that devs of steemit made it :)

Actually, why isn't there a tweet about this from CEX.IO???

Given how much scamming pervades online, i'd like to have more proof before I give to this cause--not personal, just more is better when dealing with money and I'd like to be assured it's going to the people it's supposed to go to.

Genius! This is so inspirational

I do not work for any longer.


and no, i'm not talking about the homeless guy. bump as in upvote. :)

Dunja I agree with your comment. I love this post, but one thing that is a bit disturbing is that I see no proof in this post, of this charity ever happening. I am sure brookdemar, is a great person and did has described in the post above. I applaud his actions. However this excellent system of charity that Steemit facilitates will be open to MAJOR abuse if we are not very careful with how me upvote, and thus allocated the community's resources for this type of activity.

As I member of the Bitshares community ( @Dantheman was the founder of Bitshares) I was privileged to be involved with the development of some of the basic ideas that Steemit employees. One of the important breakthroughs that developed early-on was the fact of paying for work that was done to improve the community/product was possible simply with the issuance of community (bitshares) tokens. This is much like steemit pays for content, charity, development etc. with Steem tokens. Using this system, however created a problem. Many people would be given tokens (read upvoted) on promises to do "XYZ" for the community. However, on many occasions- promises made, tokens issued, but the work would never get done, or would be very substandard. Similarly, the community would allocate tokens for someone to do charity and again many times, we could never be certain of the charity was actually competed.

The solution: These type of reward systems are excellent for fostering charity and improving our world, and we all want that. However if accept heart-felt stories and promises of charity in exchange for up- votes, in short order we will have a huge wave of fraudsters draining the resources for this community under false pretences. To be effective, the system of charity in Steemit needs to employ "pay (upvote) after the fact". ........ First do you charitable actions, the blog about it. Be very up front. Show receipts, smiling faces, whatever it takes to prove to the community the act was done. Only then should the community value the action with upvotes (I'll be the first! :-) .

Soon I foresee we will have a very large community at Steemit. I expect that we will see blogs dedicated exclusively to charity and charitable giving. Over-time these individuals or blogs will build a solid reputation here on Steemit for their charitable acts by following the recommendations above.

This is just one of the lessons we learned the hard way, in the initial experimentation of Bitshares and I hope to pass this lesson on to Steemit users so we can insure our community and platform remains strong.

i really agree with you all we need first is to ensure the rigidity and firmness of this plat form so as to continue the trend

I understand your concerns. I will set the bar high for this one, that is all I can do. I didn't expect such reception. I hope that my update following this makes it clear what standard the community should expect.

you make very good points but personally I think that this post will give value to steemit even if it is a scam... if you understand what I mean!!!

PS we must be for sure very carefully what we upvote!

I was just wondering about the issues you raise. I love cheritable deeds but I feel very suspicious about this here. Lots of people want to do good and help others, but I don't know what really happend here. I'm by no means an expert on crypto, social media platforms or anything around steemit. Just have a feeling that something is fishy. Having cruised around some Bitcoin forums, the feeling just got stronger, since people who do know a lot about this are talking. I would hate some poor guys plight being exploited for someones agenda.

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