RE: Dealing With Opposition When You Start Home Educating.
Nice write up @minismallholding with great tips. I can definitely attest to others “testing” my children. When they do, I definitely sit back with a proud smile. People are always asking me the age of my children because they can’t believe how well managed, respectable and intelligent they are.
I love looking at statistics because they paint a picture to what’s really going on. Although we home educators get a lot of flak the proof is in the pudding. Once the naysayers in my life seen my children in action (using their brains and creativity etc.) there’s nothing much more they can say. How can you argue with what you see?
We’ve been so programmed to think there is only one way of doing things. We as parents have to find the best way that suites our children and also ways that do not contradict with our beliefs and values. Knowing what you’re entitled to do is definitely important. Gathering all this information before hand is great advice.
You got here before me <3 I was thinking of you when I made my comment.
It's a shame that it only takes such a short period of time for a new norm to settle in and previous ways of doing things to be completely forgotten. Homeschooling brings back so many things that were once so important. The cohesion as a family and all ages interacting and supporting one another in a way they wouldn't are school. Some of the things people often comment on is the way that homeschooled children will interact across the ages and don't necessarily gravitate towards their age groups like schooled children do. My girls are friends with two other homeschooled sister's and my youngest connects better with the eldest, who is nearly four years older than her and my eldest connects more with the youngest, who is a year younger than her and a year older than my youngest.
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Yes! The interaction amongst all of my children with their varying ages is very beneficial. My younger children are doing more, understanding more and saying more than the average child their age and it’s mainly because they are learning from their older siblings . Sometimes when I have to step away from our schoolroom, I come back and find my 9 year old daughter helping my 6 year old son with his work and it just warms my heart.
I think it’s a beautiful thing when our children interact and connect across the ages. We shouldn’t put them in a box based on how people think they should act. I love that my children can hold conversations with people their age all the way up to elders and they enjoy it! 😊 It really depends on their comfort zone how they interact with others and I wouldn’t dare push my kids to interact with only their age group. I learned so much growing up by being around all kinds of age groups.