ALL ABOUT THAT SWEET HONEY!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Yumm Yumm! Here is a delightful treat that is sought after tremendously in several areas! I was lucky enough to run across a bee keeper having a yard sale on my trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'm curious to know if this kind of pure honey is available in your area? It seems to "bee" a dying art that only very few people now a days take part in.

Over the years, I have noticed a decline in this type of honey, especially with the comb in it! I have yet to see any honey in a super market that has the comb inside. For those that don't know, the honeycomb is made of bee's wax and contains the purest form of honey.

Honeycomb is actually good for you from what I know at least. I'm not a doctor or a nutrition expert but from what I've been told from bee keepers and other reputable sources, it helps lower your bad cholesterol and raise the good. It is also believed to help the function of your liver. It seems like there are other benefits from it geared towards improving your hair or skin but I can't confirm that. It just seems like I heard that at some point in my life, maybe one of my readers will know? One thing to note though: As with every other thing in the world, moderation is key and too much of a good thing an "bee" bad for you and honey is no exception. Okay, I will quit with the "bee" puns.

Here is a photo of some honey that I had in the cupboard that has crystallized.

Honey crystallization happens at different times for different types of honey. Yes, there are different types of honey. There's actually hundreds of different types but the type that is most common in my area is Sourwood Honey, which is also what is pictured in this post. I'm not sure how long it took the jar I have to crystallize but it was a long time. I know temperature has something to do with it and my house stays at around 70 degrees. The darker jar of honey pictured below has been in our cupboard for over a year if that tells ya anything.

So does honey go bad? Maybe, I don't think so though. This next picture doesn't look all that appealing but I tasted it just now and it's totally fine. As a matter of fact, some people prefer honey broken down like this because it's easier to spread on a piece of toast or a good ol' sammich! If your honey becomes this thick, you can always stick it in a pot of warm water and it will liquefy again BUT each time that you do that, it takes away the nutrients, flavor and aroma so if you have to keep heating it up, it's probably best to get a fresh jar. I've just heard that it never goes bad so....

Doesn't look as yummy as the first pictures, huh?

I'm curious about the honey in your area! Tell me what kind you have, if it's readily available or hard to find, is it all processed or is it in it's purest form like mine and how much is it? If you have any other knowledge about honey or health benefits, please let us know!

This is what I paid for the quart pictured at the beginning of the post

The fine folks (Elderly couple in their 70's) that made and sold this to me said that many people were complaining about the price they were asking for it. They also said that if they knew how much work went in to that jar, they wouldn't be complaining. The price seemed more than fair to me and I don't haggle on someones prices, unless it's obviously marked up for haggling purposes and then I still don't like to do it. But I used to work on farms in my younger years so I know it can be tough to turn a profit for such hard work. Hope ya'll enjoyed this lil post about my yummy honey!


Right on! This is awesome and I can't tell you how happy I am to see this. Great job.

Thanks Becca! Had a rough day yesterday so I'm bee-hind on everything.

Wahoo! You go bluelightbandit. What a great post about honey and the bee keepers . We have several people that are bee keepers here. I love to try different batches. Especially on a fresh hot biscuit. Great post my friend. 🐓🐓

Thanks so much, chick! I haven't been on here since yesterday and I'm replying to everyone's comments and noticed that @killerwhale found someone that plagiarized this post. This is one of the effin reasons that I am hesitating on blogging about my law enforcement career because of a POS like this! That would be my luck to put all the time and effort in to sharing MY REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES just to have someone steal my stories and possibly write a book of their own about me!

Now that does make me mad. I hope you flagged them. People are so lazy when it comes to doing their own work. I understand that once you write something and it has your name on it that it is basically copy wrighted. You would have to do a little research, but that was what I have been told.

It was a good post and very appealing to the masses. Your friend. 🐓🐓

This is a really nicely written post. I'm a fan of raw honey myself! I like to watch some of the homesteading blogs and learn some things so I'll check back in the future. Resteeming to help you grow with us! :)

NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! (somebody plagiarized it, just changed the pictures, would not have noticed, except she used our #thealliance tag) Post is found here - - Cheetah didn't even touch it.

Thanks for the heads up.

Thank you @killerwhale for bringing this to my attention! And that you @clayboyn for flagging it, I also flagged it. Not sure if hitting it againg made a difference or not, it was the first person I have ever flagged.

Way to go @clayboyn! What a guy you are!

:) Just the guy I was hoping would see it!

Thanks to everyone, I'm just now seeing this crap! This is exactly why I'm so hesitant to start blogging about my law enforcement career because I would like to eventually write a book about it but I would also love to share all my stories here as well. With my luck, someone like this POS would steal my stories and write their own book before me lol.

Many thanks for your kind words and the re-steem, it is greatly appreciated!

NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! (somebody plagiarized it, just changed the pictures, would not have noticed, except she used our #thealliance tag) Post is found here - - Cheetah didn't even touch it.

Thanks buddy!

We love raw honey, and enjoy it crystallizing too! Have you ever put raw garlic in raw honey and waited a few months? It pretty much turns into "candy" that is great for the immune system.

No sir, I have not! I love garlic so I must try this! I also have Multiple Sclerosis so my immune system can use all of the support it can get! Thank you so much for this valuable information!

NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! (somebody plagiarized it, just changed the pictures, would not have noticed, except she used our #thealliance tag) Post is found here - - Cheetah didn't even touch it.

Nice post, I love honey too and the raw stuff is indeed full of health benefits. It's so beautiful with that honeycomb in it, I haven't had it that way in years and I'm now inspired to hunt some down. Here in Portland we most often see honeys made from berry flower pollens or wildflower pollens - delicious.

I'm glad that I've got your tastebuds jonesing for some of that sweet stuff! I've never tried anything but Sourwood honey, that I know of at least. If you're unsuccessful in your hunt, let me know and I might just have an extra jar hiding somewhere I could send you.

I just tried honey comb for the first time a month ago. It was so good! Thank you for your post, nice pictures.

Thank you for taking a peek and commenting! I'm glad you got to experience it and like it!

Sneaky Ninja attack!
You have been defended!


To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong, I rely on the support of my fellow #thealliance brethren.

When able, please upvote my attacks so that I may stay mighty and continue to defend and protect our beloved team!


Thank you, my ninja!

welcome you are fellow warrior


I just love honey. Honey with my tea, toast , face, hair ..anything really!
I have recently come across an article bout ways to test real honey and non.
Which makes me nervous to know that companies are selling "artificial" honey. Best wishes.

I knew people used honey on their hair and face vut just couldn't confirm it lol. Yes, it's unfortunate what most people are putting in their mouths and not realizing it.

the raw natural honey has many benefits to the human body . i love the it with bread in the morning

That sounds soooo good! Unfortunately I have cut out bread diet :(

I used to be able to get this honey with the honeycomb about 20 years ago but I haven't been able to find any since then. Thanks for the info on the cholesterol; never knew it was good for that. To "bee" or not to "bee!" LOL! : )

What part of the country are you in?

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