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RE: Harvesting Seeds from The Garden and a Fall Garden Update

right on girl check out some of my past post on my garden... i live in Oregon city OR and i have some of the richest soil iv ever ever with things like corn and melons you still need some organic & natural plant food to supplement. i did corn, watermelon, musk melon, strawberry patch that took up half my yard by now..(ever-baring strawberries that grow huge) mammoth sunflowers, chives, rose's(Red, white, pink, lavender) i grew actual lavender(year two) they got really big. what i wanted to say.. be carefull with that mint though.. like a strawberry plant they can spread like wild fire.. i still cant get rid of them and i have tried everything....ITS CRAZY


Welcome to steemit. Thanks for the tip on Mint. I do not ever grow it in my garden and only do it in containers because it is a creeper. I will absolutely go and check out your posts. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and now following you. You should goto Slack and join the conversation with other Steemit homesteaders on the front porch.

Yeah watch out for mint, if it spreads like wildfire for me I can just imagine what it will do in both of your gardens. I've been know to have problems growing weeds. @gardengirlcanada, I'm impressed with the variety of plants you get to grow. BTW, doesn't fennel taste like licorice? @comfortgenius I was staying in Lake Oswego for a couple of months and drove thru your town. You must have a nice garden as I noticed that area gets quite a bit of rain. I'm jealous of both of you. Can either of you send me a truck load of your soil?

Yes there is a variety of Fennel that does taste like licorice. My soil is pure black earth mixed 1/4 sheep manure. Thank you for your kind words

Again, I'm envious.

Where about's are you located? Which country? @outwalking

I'm in the US in CA

ouch tough place to be right now. Praying for your safety between a nuke or an earthquake. Take care my friend

Thank you, I can always use the good thoughts. Have a good evening.

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