Foxes and Chickens Don't Mix ~ A Homestead Loss

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

We lost most of our flock yesterday. 11 girls and my beautiful Mr. Hendrix. I am devastated. I feel so guilty. This part of homesteading is the part I'm not cut out for.

My beautiful flock a few weeks back.

I went out at 5:30 to bring them their scratch. No one would go inside the coop, it was still bright and beautiful out. I decided to leave them out a bit longer. It was still bright at 6:30, but would be turning to dusk and almost time to put them in when the dog started barking at the back door. We let him out and he got a run on a fox. There actually must have been 2 judging by the tracks. They left 2 bodies behind. It was a really sad scene, I'm sure you can imagine. I am really worried they will come back for the rest.

We found 3 girls hiding in the "chicken forest" and 2 in the coop. I can't imagine what they went through. I am glad we have the new chicks, they are 6 weeks old now so I will introduce them tomorrow. Hopefully the new babies will give my older girls something to do. I have them in my greenhouse for the day, waiting to see if the foxes return.
This was written very early this morning. ^^^

So. The #chickendrama continues! At 9:30 we were headed out to the greenhouse with treats to check on the remaining girls. We heard cooing....from under the sunroom deck!! REBA IS ALIVE!!! @lyndsaybowes you were right!

Reba is my oldest girl. She is my first rescue chicken and we adore her. I was so happy to see her. Poor girl, it was so cold out last night.

Reba back with the remaing girls....minus Daisy who's inside. I feel both relieved, grateful and sad watching the tiny flock with so many missing.

Treats always help. Bunch of #fluffybutts!

Mr. Hendrix, the rooster love of my life...I will miss you so much.

Bad news with the good though. Daisy was hurt, we just noticed.

Inside for some medical care. Poor girl.

There are 3 puncture wounds and 2 tears. I slathered raw honey on her back and made her an egg with oregano. She's in the crate with electrolytes and it is dark and calm. I will clean the wound tomorrow and reapply honey. I hope she will be ok....

Egg and oregano treat

I didn't want to show anything to graphic just in case it bothers anyone; but the other wounds under the feathers are not as deep as this one so that is good.

I am holding out hope that there are more girls in hiding....but probably not. If anyone reading has experience with chickens and predators, I would love your advice! I need to make sure this never happens again.

I am going now to repot peppers for the next few hours. I am hoping the rest of the day will be calm now and I hope your day is fabulous!!

Daisy's crate is in the same room as these gals, so she's not alone at least. I can't wait to introduce them. New Olive Egger!

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤


Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.

It's always devastating to lose chickens. The last two times it's been my husband who's discovered them and he's had to clean up everything before I got home. Both times it was years apart, because we'd stupidly got complacent. The first time only one chook survived, my favourite, so we bought new ones to keep her company. We've gone a few months without them until we figure out a more foxproof solution. Your brood looks gorgeous - a mixed bunch, like mine were - Rhode Islands, gold laced wyandottes and australorps (the silkies just don't hack the extremes in temperature in Victoria, well, I've had no luck with them) ... they look like they are in such good hands!! They must get a hell of a fright... xxx

It must have been scary for sure, my poor gang:(
Sorry to hear about yours too, I am glad your husband was there <3
I just love the heritage breeds too! I think I am out of the silkie game....I will stick with heartier breeds!

I agree. They are cute but a bit stupid. I like the tough birds 💙

Just so terrible :'( :'( I hope you find the advice and answers that you need. Double glad the chicks were still in the house.

Hope your neighbour finds those coonts!!!!!

So crappy. We have the girls in the greenhouse for the night and we set a trap in the coop with the door open....neighbour is watching;)

They are such coonts!!!!

Fencing is my only solution and that isn't gonna be 100% fool proof.

We are fixing some more now! Adding a bunch more to block the way from the farmer's field where they live. Might deter a bit but I'm expecting them back...

Maybe kennel them in an area. But foxes dig so....

Ugh. Crafty foxes.

Sorry you had to go through this Karen. Dealing with loss is no fun. We've gone though loss to racoons and loss to dogs most recently. It's definitely a sucky part of homesteading.
Glad you have the babies to cheer you up. I thought we lost both of our roosters recently but one was hiding over night and came back the next day, so I'm hoping for a broody to hatch out chicks this spring ♡

Ugh. It sucks so bad!! Sorry for your losses too <3
Yay rooster! I love chicks, these ones are cuties. A broody hen would be awesome! <3 <3

Poor chickies :'( sorry to hear about your run in with fox 🦊 the harsh realities are no fun sometimes. I hope your pepper potting helps to soothe you 🙏

No fun at all! :( #hotmess only got through about a third of them...spent most of the day doing chicken stuff lol. <3 <3 <3

I am so sorry for your terrible ordeal and the loss of so many of your chickens, especially your much loved Mr Hendrix. My heart aches for you. So sorry.

Thank you so much @lynb <3 I know they are just chickens but I am really sad! Mr. Hendrix was really one of a kind <3

Sorry to hear the birds were hurt and killed. Here, with our high predator population, I'd not have a flock in just a few days. We watched the fox trot past the chicken area 2 days ago while the birds watched. We have a dedicated charger on our fence and it must have hit it. It never even glanced at the birds. Mine have never free ranged, it just never ends well for the birds.

Now the fox has found chicken dinner, it is probably supporting a family, and will be back. They can climb in addition to dig, so hopefully you can keep the birds safe.

I've invested too much $$ and effort into my flock to feed predators. They have plenty of room, and I provide extra space when weather allows. It's the best we can do for them here.

Yup they were back today. We have set a trap in the coop tonight with the last body (😟) and some salmon. Its right in the door....fingers crossed. The hens are in the greenhouse. Its crazy how bold they are!!

We have a plan to fortify the area a bit better...the farmer next door is on watch too. Electric fence is in the works too.

oh honey, this is so sad! ((big big hugs))

glad to hear miss reba was found, though <3

Thank you @twinislandflames for the hugs <3 <3 <3

We were so happy to see her. It was so sweet when we brought her in the greenhouse to see the other girls....they were all talking to each other!

she was getting caught up on all the gossip! :)

Sorry @karenfoster for this incident .. really sad .. hope they get well soon, and be careful

Thank you @apakapluk for the kind words. I am careful for sure <3

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