2018 Homesteading Resolutions

My homesteading resolutions for 2018 will be fairly basic because we've only been on this property for a few months and we have very little infrastructure in place.

Britches 2018 Homestead Goals.jpg

  1. Finish the pantry: We have a large family but our kitchen pantry is only about 3' x 3' x 6' and that isn't sufficient for keeping more than a few days' worth of food. We've gone through blizzards, floods, and job loss so I know how important it can be to have sufficient food on hand. We have a space in the basement where we will be building shelving units. The lowest shelves on each unit will be made with hardware cloth, mainly for potato storage. I like the design that Jeremy and Jaime of Guildbrook Farm used at their former homestead, as seen in this video, so that will be my basic plan for this.

  2. Build the raised beds: We're planning on building 4' x 4' raised beds. We already have cedar siding panels to use as the sides and I plan to cut 4" x 4" posts for the corner bracing. I haven't decided if I should put weed barrier on the bottoms, leave them open, or even spread billboard tarps under them like I saw Doug of Off Grid with Doug and Stacy do in a recent video. Suggestions?

  3. Build the chicken coop: We want to have a minimum of 10 - 15 hens on the homestead, just to supply eggs for our family. First we need to build a coop. We plan to have the birds confined, with plenty of wood chips on the ground. All kitchen scraps plus scratch and corn will be tossed on top of the wood chips. Twice a year the wood chips come out and spend six months resting before being put on the garden beds. I am open to design ideas! I'd like to incorporate some of the old cedar siding so the coop matches the raised beds. I'm sure someone will comment suggesting that we allow the birds to range freely. We have too many predators here. Someday I'll write about chasing a wolf out of my front yard. ;)

Although the original Challenge Contest post seemed to suggest choosing just one resolution, I have shared three because these must, must, must be done by late Spring 2018. Thank you, @kiaraantonoviche, for creating this challenge!

There is still time to participate! Pop over to the #HomesteadingChallenge #7 post and learn how to enter.


Sounds like you have a good starting plan!

There's always something that is needed on a homestead, but getting the baseline infrastructure in place is always of primary concern.

Exactly right. We've only delayed this long because we were getting settled and determining how best to use the space. I carry the "measure twice, cut once" advice into every day decisions, so we're trying to "think it through twice (three times, four times, etc.) and build once".

Awesome plans! I think it's cool you included multiple projects and I look forward to seeing progress on them! You've been entered into the challenge, thank you!

The pantry comes first because we're in Wisconsin and outdoor building is on hold for a little while. The most we can do as far as the coop and raised beds is purchase materials as we have the funds, and stack them up while we wait for a thaw. :) The pantry project will be shared here on Steemit for sure, starting this week!

I understand the delay of projects due to Wisconsin winter ;) I'm anxious for this cold snap to pass so I can actually get outside again!

I really like the idea of some sort of weed barrier, especially as we have so many mosquitoes.
Maybe some folks have ideas on how to get rid of those? hopeful :D

Maybe I'll blog about that to try to get some input. Ugh! I can't imagine hiding in the house all summer and winter!

I know! Yet, when we've frequented the wildlife refuge in the past, we haven't had mosquito issues.

That's a great list! I can relate to the tiny pantry problems... Since you'll be putting in a garden this year, you might like to check out my post on no-till gardening. I love helping busy families make gardening a success.


Thank you. That was a well-written and helpful post!

best of luck on your homesteading adventures - and on your goals here. i've just started following you & hope to learn and share ideas together!

i love that you're wanting the coop to match the raised beds!! i have had a couple of different beds, in different places - i recommend doing some landscape fabrics on the very bottom, with whatever else you have that will eventually break down. i've done layers of thicker cardboard, i've used OLD 100% cotton towels, and i've used nothing. with nothing, i always get bindweed a few weeks later. those little buggers are tough!!!!

Thank you for your input. I think I'll have to put something under each raised bed because there is no use in inviting weeds. They'll find their way one way or another, anyhow!

you're welcome - and good luck!

You can't go wrong with those choices. They would be some of my first choices too. Good luck and take lots of photos!!!

Good luck with these. I hope you share some photos of the raised beds and coups when they are done.

Thank you. I'll definitely share progress updates as well as posting about the completed projects.

Thank you for participating in the most recent #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner and a few honorable mentions have just been announced! I hope to see you in future contests!

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