The stars speak ! Affiliate HOROSCOPE for Taurus !

in #horoscope7 years ago

Taurus !

 April 21 - May 21
Element Earth
Characteristic Fixed, Female, Negative
Planet Venus
Beneficial partnerships Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
Unfavorable partnerships Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Happy Numbers 6
Day Friday
Season Autumn
Color Green
StoneSapphire, Agath, Turquoise, Diamond, Brilliant 


Taurus - Aquarius

Emotionally strained is the relationship between the earthly representative of the zodiac and the water, subordinate to the air element. The boldness and ordering of the bull is innate quality, which he demonstrates with ease, but it seems easier to embrace a new initiative or idea than his beloved mate. Aquarius in turn needs attention, caress and tenderness, as the flower feels the need for light and water. Consistency is a positive quality of bullocks, but at times it irritates water, because its creative impulses to explore the surrounding world are more than pronounced. Narrowing the horizons and lack of imagination depresses the aquarius, which in any case seeks to avoid the full dependence of the partner on itself. In case you want to keep your love with each other, it is more than necessary to compromise on a personal account. Bet on open communication and do not rush to run on the first difficulty you have on the road.

Taurus - Cancer

Harmony is part of the brilliance of this zodiacal bond. You are complementary not only as a lifestyle but also as an understanding of the world around you. You do not like experiments, risks, neither professionally nor personally. Problems may arise in your intimate relationship at a time when cancer becomes an overly demanding and petty partner for its half-calf. The advice that you must listen to, dear crabs, is: do not make remarks to your dear calf, especially if you are in a public place with a heterogeneous and crowded company because your personal emphasis will be misunderstood, and that will inevitably Has led to a collapse in your relationship. Do not forget to accept the strangeness of your characters as part of yourself so that you do not fall into absurd situations. Try to eliminate the jealousy of feelings by not giving them the chance to put deep roots in your mind

Taurus - Aries

The partnership between these two zodiacal signs is difficult, but not impossible, to preserve and survive for a long period of time. The buoyant temper of the ram will often be stifled by the patient and delicate calf who will most likely maintain harmony in your relationship. In the event that you can complement yourself by accepting the strangeness of your characters as a completely normal phenomenon, your relationship will become a good and fruitful tandem. The ram will have gleaming plans, and the calf will have to do it by learning to risk it before. If you can not find the right balance with each other, you will quickly find yourself in the world of chaos.

Taurus - Taurus

The similarity and similarities in this connection are so numerous that the tellers will surely try to create not only themselves, but also the other coveted comfort and home-like coziness. Your requirements to the intimate mate will be realized without the usual disturbances, as you know the weak and strong features of your characters. But it is not impossible for your relationship to enter the trampled paths and become a boring tandem, devoid of turbulent passions and risky challenges. The moment you indulge in the same hobby, occupation, or professional task, you will soon notice a significant improvement and mutually overwhelming weighting. Here, communication will come by itself, intuitively understanding what a loved one needs. It is important not to isolate yourself from the surrounding world. Search the company for other people who are similar to yours to enrich yourself not only as a loved couple but also to rediscover yourself in the different situations that you have been given by fate.

Taurus - Gemini

With a great desire on both sides, a moderate union can be reached, which could be extremely fruitful - with professional growth for both of you. Problems may eventually arise if the twin is not reasonably mature in material terms, lacking foresight and organizational flair, as the calf will constantly seek security, both professionally and materially and personally . It is necessary in this union that the twin should control his stereotype of life scattered in several strands, and the bulls will have to constantly try and give more space to his beloved man in order not to lose it in his desire to keep him At its disposal. You need to know that any negligence or infidelity will have to pay at the highest possible price - the separation!

Taurus - Libra

The common goal in terms of professionalism, similar interests and understanding, as well as hobbies can stabilize this relationship over time. Difficulties and friction will only be the cause of collisions at the beginning of the alliance, and then you are likely to get used to the differences of your mate. It is necessary for the calm and balanced calf to learn from his beloved scale to relax from time to time striving to deliver small personal delights. The scale, on its part, will be able to learn the valuable lesson in life that they will not give up when sudden emotional storms and mood crashes occur to both of you. Your desire to share the joys, pains and differences of temperament among you, and if you make the most of your efforts in keeping with the other's longings, you will inevitably reach the heights in every respect.

Taurus - Capricorn

Unpredictability and passion are lacking in the partners of this intimate relationship. The principles, the order of thought and everyday life, the practicality, the respect for the traditions, as well as the realistic approach to life are just a small part of the many qualities you look like. Your mutual similarity is obvious, but in this case, if you do not make enough effort, you can program your relationship to yourself, but you will be deprived of the constructive - the emotions, the impulsiveness and the romantic flavor that enrich you as personalities and make you Significant in the eyes of the other. Do not let discipline and the computer model of life rob you. Try to express your thoughts aloud. Spend more time with your partner. Seek true moments together as you enjoy them because they can become the basis of closeness and friendship. Build your memories step by step.

Taurus - Fish

Gentle and long-lasting is the alliance between these representatives of the zodiac. Your relationship is marked by understanding and underlined romance. Taurus is attracted to the fish that is unsettled at times, and the fish find the sought-after security and tranquility of the life storms in the face of their beloved half-calf. Each of you is completely satisfied with the other, the more time it passes, the more lasting and stable your relationship will be. The balance is also great in the material sphere. My warning to you is: do not give yourself any external influence from close or acquaintances about your intimate relationship and remember that if you give ear to rumors, they can destroy your mutual happiness. Be absolutely frank!

Taurus - Leo

The relationship between these two zodiac signs is strained because each and every one of you will seek to control and direct the life of the other hundred percent that is unlikely to happen. It is possible to overcome conflicts, but very often when one of you is heavily hurt by the other to utter vague words and thoughts that will endlessly undermine the fragile harmony between you. If you want to preserve your alliance despite its root differences for a long period of time, it is more than necessary for one of you to hold tight teeth and to keep silent when circumstances require it. Compromises are more than mandatory. More inclined to concessions, as if it were a quiet calf than a proud lion.

Taurus - Sagittarius

Tight is the exact word I would characterize the love relationship between the zodiac signs - a calf and a shooter. You both would only maintain relationships if your contact is friendly and you are not emotionally involved with each other. The freelance temper of the shooter will often outweigh the feel of the calf in his feelings. Jealousy and malignancy here have more than a devastating impact, so avoid them if you want to stay with your favorite mate. Your various temperaments will be the cause of numerous small verbal skirmishes, but the power is in your hands, so try to smooth misunderstandings with each other. You do not have to compete in the professional field as things in this case will come to a tragic end. The Sagittarius will need space and adventures in the moments of personal difficulties and disturbances, the calf in turn will deter him because he hates the gambling approach to the life of his beloved shooter. It is necessary for one of them to change his worldview to three hundred and sixty degrees.

Taurus - Virgo

Ideally complementary as partners in love, but it is quite possible for you both to come up with a great professional tandem. Stress, love of details, respect for traditional values ​​in life, purposefulness, and the desire for professional self-proclaiming will be part of your life together, which in turn will inspire you with the necessary sense of security. It is entirely possible to think of the present absolutely identical without the existence of detrimental differences in your views. But it is necessary that the virgin in this connection is not too aggressive to the independent calf, as undesirable strains may arise concerning personal freedom and the right to choose. In moments of crisis do not forget to give the will of your feelings and emotions to keep the person you love until the end of your days.

Taurus - Scorpio

Synchronization between bulls and scorpions is easy and casual. Complementary in every sphere of your life. Attraction is more than irresistible. You both share similarity not only as a character, but also as an approach and reaction in a variety of life situations. Pure and sincere, charming and rational. Impossible things for you do not exist. You need to keep your happiness without lies, even when you have made a mistake - acknowledge one another. Your reconciliation and forgiveness is part of the favorable opportunity to be together again. The door is always open for greater clarity and security, as long as you want it loudly and from the heart.