Why We Write Why We're Right Part IV House of Cards
If you have followed my substack up to now you should be asking why we cannot search for items that used to be easy to find. Especially if they involve a past, some say current, President. I will get around to explaining that, but first we need to look at the mechanics of the mafia State that we live in. Who runs this Mafia? Who are the foot soldiers? Power and the exercise of power. Remember the folks that ran things 2000 years ago, still run things today, this is your baseline. Think of a pyramid and we, you and me, are at the bottom. We outnumber the few at the top, that is why they fear us.
So if you run things, the first thing you learn to do is to divide and conquer. A good modern example would be to look at India. The British East India Tea Company working with the support of the Crown used the nature of the Indian subcontinent against itself. Many languages and religions all at war with each other but ethnically the same. They individually allied with the English to gain regional power among themselves and eventually became dominated by the English. Think, Don Corleone helping a poor florist get justice for his daughter.
If one looks at how the Turkish Middle East possessions that were divided at the end of WWI we see divide and conquer system by how each country was organized across ethnic lines. Iraq, for example had three main cultures Turk, Arab and Persian with two sects of Islam between them with a sprinkling of Christian and Jewish communities as well. Iraqis would be fighting each other, if it wasn’t for some European overlord to keep the lid on tight.
Control cannot rely on personal animosities to stay in power so other things must come into play. Extortion is next. Money is awarded to those who play the game and removed as punishment. We see our 50 Republics in the USA fall for this every time the Federal government sends out a grant with strings attached. A good example would be federal education dollars, methinks its over 8k per student today. You get that money if your State plays by Department of Education rules. Is it any surprise we have our grade school kids going on field trips to Gay Bar Drag Shows? By the way, where are the parents? Painful as it will be, we need to start by having States refuse this money. Good luck storming that castle folks.
The real piece of bad news is how this is done at the local level. For this we look at the Cable TV series “House of Cards” where in season 1 we see how our media is controlled from the bottom up. How cub reporters are chosen and then they get the best news leads. They get promoted to editor and when their benefactor needs a story quashed they play along because of the relationship created. Note here that the best folks are rarely chosen, but flawed characters are better choices because their secrets allow them to be controlled on multiple levels. Sexual deviancy as one example.
Related, research how Facebook and Twitter were created. Where the seed money came from and how control were exerted over the folks who ran things. Elon Musk taking over Twitter is exposing this corruption for all to see. We still don’t know if Musk is a black hat or white hat. Either way, he has stirred up some hornets.
Why this gets worse is by using this same system and cross over to other professions and see how easy this is to do. Think Police officers and how they get to the top ranks. Or how about Congressmen themselves as they graduate from local political work and rise up to State and then National political office. Those in control do not need to control everyone, just a select few. But the influence of this practice will quell dissent. Now super impose this system and insert CIA or FBI apparatchiks into the process and we see them occupying these positions in media, law enforcement and politics.
Folks will give up instead of challenging the system. They see the acquiescence as job security. “Don’t rock the boat.” Remember, when we get a leader to challenge this system they get eliminated. Example Lincoln and Kennedy. And to a lessor extent Reagan. That latter bought in at the end which was proven, in my opinion, when he accepted that 2 million dollar speaking fee in Japan a few weeks after leaving office.
All of these activities take a lot of attention by those in control. There are a ring of managers underneath the real power and lesser managers under them. We see this more clearly in business with Vangard and Blackrock owning most of everything with interlocking board of directors. Some say there are only 6 media companies today versus dozens just 60 years ago. I argue it is and has been less than 6 for some time because of the Blackrock and Vangard cross investing.
Now back to the beginning, is it really a surprise that our internet search engines only take you to where those in control want you to go? Your homework this time is to go explore the search engines that you use regularly and try to find information on recent tragedies and find out how limited the answers you find are. That said, remember our glass is still half full because they have not won yet. We can still live a righteous life and refuse their guidance. Start by doing your own research and give all the news a three day buffer and assume it is wrong by design. It will be amazing what you discover when you look at the room from another corner.
Good luck and next time we explore storming this castle in small bits and starts. Every long journey starts with your first step.
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