Fun with powershell. Show the current coin price with a single command.

in #howto8 years ago (edited)

Like some of you I own more cryptocoins and I check out the website coinmarketcap often. But sometimes I just want to check out the price fast. I use a Telegram Bot for that.

The Telegram Bot is able to kick off scripts (after I give the command /cryptocoinprice) and give me the results back on my phone. In my case I made a Powershell function that uses the API from coinmarketcap to give the info to my Telegram bot.

Ofcourse you do not have to run a Telegram bot to use this script(function). You can run it just from your windows pc.

If you do supply a specific coin it will just give you the current top 10 coins with the price in US dollar.

PS C:\Users\You\Desktop> .\CryptoCoinPrice
Bitcoin $611.677
Ethereum $13.3372
Ripple $0.00818912
Litecoin $3.83656
Monero $7.87139
Ethereum Classic $1.1691
Dash $12.1663
Steem $0.456817
MaidSafeCoin $0.0854529

And if you want to know the price of Steem for example, you do

PS C:\Users\You\Desktop>.\CryptoCoinPrice steem

Below the script(function).
Just put it in notepad and save it with the extension .ps1

# 2016 Disofdis
Function CryptoCoinPrice


$coins = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri “”

If ($variable -eq "")

ForEach ($coin in $coins)
    [int]$rank = $coin.rank
    If ($rank -lt "10")
        $ + " $" + $coin.price_usd

ForEach ($coin in $coins)
    If ($ -eq "$variable")
        "$" + $coin.price_usd

There is a piece of code left that you can use to make giving a coin name mandatory before running the script.


You can put this on true to enable it. Of delete the complete line if you do not want to use ever. Or well just let it stand there :P
Have fun with it :-)

ps you can also make it a psm1 file, so you can run the command all the time.


Pretty useful, thank you. I might use this code

gotta love powershell , one of the most important tools that i use every day.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65556.02
ETH 2660.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91