HR, IT: angry essay!

in #hr7 years ago

Recently I visited one open IT-event - "IT entrance autumn 2017" - which took place on 16 September at the business incubator of the High-Tech Park in Minsk.
And so, therefore, performs this HR-lady from some pretty serious IT company.
Behind her back is a screen onto which are projected slides with examples of "bad" and "good" resume, and she to the accompaniment of these slides excited young beginner IT-specialists what kind of resume will suit HR and what is not.
Actually not exactly her speech made the question of passing the interview for the post of the programmer painful. Before her, I have been reading a lot in the Internet articles-stories about interviews from the personal experience of different programmers, including the highest world level. And I came to the concept of "curse interview with HR". And her performance (what an appropriate word, if you think about it) the same HR-lady organized my thoughts and allowed them to write down finally.
And here's the thing. She spoke, the projector showed... And suddenly from her lips flowed so important and necessary words to me.
Talking about the fact that the resume should not be multi-page, with an abundance of text (he say HR-s still read diagonally), and should be brief, concise and clear, she remembered a story about how someone "authoritative" (her boss) cited the example of a Nobel laureate. To be mor precise, it is not the a resume of a concrete Nobel laureate, but the fact that it could hypothetically fit in one line.
Can you imagine?! So if a certain Nobel laureate sent her a resume on several pages, she wouldn't even read it! More precisely, as a true HR professional, she would run her eyes diagonally this "history" of great achievements and... Well, let's try to guess: be thrown out? postponed for an indefinite "later"?
Of course this is hyperbolization (both from her and from my side), but ...
Here it is already appropriate to recall the same article - the real storys of //the passage (or rather, fail)// interviews HR with the best specialists in their fields (technology). You know? Some of the best experts on certain technologies in the IT narrated to us it as a joke. And this can not be called otherwise. When such a guru is interviewed by a very young lady who is far from IT-technologies and "floods" him...
Can you imagine? They sit and decide... And it is quite a specific sphere. There are a lot of introverts, in varying degrees, autonuoma personalities. It's not bad (or even good). For example, according to my personal observations, it is a sign of the mind at least above average. They are immersed in thought (from the side it seems that in itself). At the age of 20 they create a cryptocurrency projects that can immediately be sold for billions. They work on artificial intelligence, neural networks, so that you can now use the recognition systems of your faces and fingers to unlock your iPhones (created, by the way, those people who are deeply absorbed in thought). not to give God HR is not overworked, reading it more than 1 minute.//They do not spend their intellect on creating a "correct" resume, (so God forbid) HR does not overworked, reading it for more than 1 minute.
And since you are so "Pro", isn't going to help you a personality summary for early diagnostics?
Who are you? Who do you think you are? Arbiters?
You employed to SEARCH SUITABLE EMPLOYEES! Not "view diagonal" (that's how she put it) summary of the candidate, not to teach us how it should be, as applicants should look and how to prepare for interview. You get paid not for it, but for, again, finding suitable candidates. And if need be, and in the heat, and in cold I will go to interviewer potentially the best candidate, will read the summary, written... and even hand-illegible handwriting ten pages.
Of course, assuming that you are really professionals. Not very comfortable on the body IT company leeches.

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