Solitude and Sunsets: Hiking Hvar's Fortress Alone

in #hvar8 months ago









In my last post, I shared glimpses of my hike to the Hvar fortress and the breathtaking views it offered. However, the app limited me to nine photos, prompting this follow-up. After ordering a beer at the fortress restaurant, I found a comfortable spot outside, basking in the sea breeze and eagerly awaiting the sunset.

As the sun descended, the fortress emptied, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Despite the awe-inspiring moment, I yearned for a companion to share it with—a reminder of the solitary journey of my three-year solo travel. Yet, such moments continually reinforced my appreciation for the beauty of life and the world around me.

With darkness approaching and my adventurous spirit driving me, I hastily made my way down the trail, guided only by the fading light. Safely back in town, I reflected on the day's adventure and vowed to relive it soon. Join me as I recount the island-hopping and nude beach escapades that followed in the coming days. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! 🌅🏝️

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