The Secret Life of a Hypnotist - Part Two

in #hypnosis8 years ago (edited)

Tuesday 9:00 AM
My first appointment was a colleague named James who was also a hypnotist, he said that he had been feeling very anxious and self conscious for weeks. I asked if he had any fears of hypnosis and he laughed because he gives the same pretalk to his clients. Now every hypnotist is also a hypnojunkie and we will seize any and every opportunity to be hypnotized, if I were to ask for a volunteer when speaking at a conference I would end up with a stampede, so needless to say he was excited. I decided to have a little fun by having him make two fists and I told him to quickly rotate them in a forward motion, he laughed knowing what was about to happen. Then I abruptly said “backwards… forwards… backwards” over and over until I finally said “sleep,” and his body went limp. I then tested for somnambulism with parts of the Elman Induction and he was there so I regressed him to the event that was causing the anxiety.

Me: Is it day or night?
James: Day
Me: Are you inside or outside?
James: Inside
Me: What do you see?
James: Nothing
Me: What is happening?
James: I am about to have a Cycstoscopy and they are making jokes about my penis.

He went on to describe how the nurses and orderlies were making fun of his genitals while he was helpless under anesthesia. I regressed him to the next event and some women at the gym gave him a dirty look, which reinforced the the low self worth. I removed the fear and regressed him back to the procedure and explained like I would to a 5 year old, how their actions were wrong and had nothing to do with him. I regressed him to the gym and explained that she might have been having a bad day and her face may have had nothing to do with him, he agreed. I began bombarding him with direct suggestions of positive affirmations and then brought him to a conscious state. He said that he felt like a ton of bricks had been removed from his shoulders, but he couldn't remember either of the events. Sometimes the subconscious will not allow access to the memories even after they are cleaned up. This meant that I couldn't ask him how his Cycstoscopy turned out.

I only had one scheduled appointment left for the day, a man named Zach who was a smoker, helping people quit smoking is extremely quick and easy. I used a modified Elman Induction, to get him to somnambulism, held my Smoking Patter Script with a professional grip and secretly began reading. I then began to lie to him about how tobacco is full of sugar, which causes people to eat more when they quit and that it will not have that affect on him and he will stay slim. I then told him to loudly say “I am a nonsmoker and I will never smoke again,” over and over in his head, I explained that this works better when you are alone and then I left the room. I went to get some water while hoping to hear him start screaming “I am a nonsmoker and I will never smoke again,” but sadly I didn't get my wish. When I went back into the room I noticed that he had a big smile on his face and was softly chanting “I am a nonsmoker and I will never smoke again,” so that was a very good sign. I then began hitting him with direct suggestions, even after I had him open eyes. When I count someone up and have them open their eyes they remain in somnambulism for about 90 seconds so I use that to my advantage.

12:30 PM
I was in my office eating lunch with an empty schedule, hoping someone would call for an appointment, when I heard a woman in the lobby, so I went out to assist my secretary. I saw a couple asking for help with alcoholism. The man was somber and had bags under his eyes, so I asked him “When was the last time you had a drink” he said “a few hours ago.” When someone is in intoxicated I have to handle the situation very delicately, so I said “I am all booked up for today, but how about this, call me tomorrow and I will see if I can squeeze you in,” while handing the girl my card. They left the office and a few minutes later the girl came back and asked “can you really fix an alcoholic?” I replied “Sure, I do it all the time, but he needs to be sober for the appointment.” She started crying and asked “What if he uses drugs too?” I replied “Sure, it's just as easy as alcohol, get him sober and call us tomorrow or Thursday.” Helping people with drugs and alcohol addiction usually takes five office visits, but in that moment I just wanted to convey hope and not bog her down with the details.

I went back to finish my lunch when I finally got an appointment, but unfortunately the client is not the paying type, It was Mrs Andrews at the hospice that I volunteer at and her pain had returned. I tell my secretary “I am going to head over to the hospice and then call it a day.” When I got to the hospice I made her give me one dollar, because the subconscious will accept suggestions easier when they have value. She pulled four quarters from her change purse and handed them to me and I performed an instant induction, which brought her into somnambulism within seconds. I asked her “why did you let the discomfort come back?” She said “I told the doctor that I didn't need to take my pain pills anymore and he told me, that hypnosis is not real and if I don't start taking them, the pain will get so bad that I would die.”

This is a sad situation, the doctor despite his best efforts was making a dieing woman suffer, she has been pain free for almost a month and because she views him as an authority figure, she believed him and the pain returned. I said “but you know you can remove the discomfort at anytime, let me show you. Place your thumb and index finger together and feel the discomfort melt away. How do you feel?” “I feel fine.” she replied. I then tell her “Now I want you to allow the pain to come back, I want you to really feel that pain, how do you feel?” Her face scrunched up and she said “It hurts.” I quickly said “Now place your thumb and index finger together and let the discomfort melt away.” She gave a sigh of relief. I never use the word “pain,” unless I need someone to feel it.

I then began speaking directly to her subconscious and gave instructions to remove the discomfort for 2 hours at a time, so she could quickly assess her condition to ensure nothing was damaged before she triggered the analgesic affects again. This would not make her numb, she could still feel things but the brain was no longer informing her of any discomfort in that region. I explained "You know that this works and perhaps the doctor is trying his best, but he may not be educated in hypnosis and you are probably the first person to use it in front of him." I had her test the trigger in her normal state to prove it was working and then left.

I decided to go grocery shopping and in the checkout line I whipped out my pendulum and began playing with it, in order to drum up some new business, I have to do this from time to time because I am running out of people to fix. The lady behind me asked “What is that?” I explain that I am a hypnotist and she said “Oh!” she paused for a moment and without looking me in the eye said “I think the self check out is quicker,” while getting out of line and getting as far away from me as possible. The woman in front of me turned back and asked if I do the elastic band, I said “sure it's easy, I even use some of the newer techniques,” and gave her my card. I said that because Weight loss is one of the more complicated things I deal with and I would prefer to find the cause and fix it than just mask the symptoms, because the subconscious may be using that weight as a survival tactic.


What is Hypnosis?

The Secret Life of a Hypnotist - Part One


well written articles :-) !
have you any tips on quickly doing self hypnosis ?
the books i read on it all take half hour journeys through the body realxing muscles, counting breath & 'feeling heavy'.-without result.
Only once did i feel 'going somewhere' but my excitement took me back up out immediately.
Then i started thinking about the what to instruct then.
and that 'not' smoking is like: Don't think about a pink elephant !
so i came up with:
imagine what it would be like if you decided to breathe healthyer from now on, breathe healthy for the rest of your life
-but i still smoke like a chimney. :-s