The world's first "Zero Trading Fees" cryptocurrency exchange will launch next Monday!支持法币的虚拟货币交易所下周正式上线,永久0手续费!!!

in #ico7 years ago (edited)


COBINHOOD is the world's first "ZERO Trading Fees" cryptocurrency exchange with vision to maximize traders' profits, launch at 12/17, next Monday!

官网 Official Site:
What & Why:
创始人Popo Chen的采访(Interview with Popo):

For non-Chinese readers, please skip to the "Business Model" part and refer to the links above for more information.


一个程序员出身的美食创业者,我2017年9月他们的ICO开始就参与并持续关注了这家公司,说实话这是我接触ICO以后的第一个项目,首先是被0手续费的巨大潜力吸引,然后对这个极具想象力的名字产生了兴趣,网上一查了解到有一家叫Robinhood位于Palo Alto的零手续费股票交易所,截止2016年3月拥有100万注册用户,至2017年至今总交易额超过300亿。嘿!这不是一个虚拟货币版的Robinhood吗?难道是一位同样秉持着劫富济贫理念和侠客精神的交易所?后来看了上面What & Why和Popo的InterView之后印证了我大部分的猜测,PoPo果然具有侠客精神。

先说说Popo,22岁完成台湾大学的电子工程师学位,24岁创立实时视频公司 17 live streaming,1年内给投资人20倍的回报。成功退出之后进行虚拟货币交易,发现了现在的交易所存在这样那样的问题,还好意思收手续费(前30的交易所收取平均0.2%的手续费),决定自己创立一个零手续费的虚拟货币交易所,一做还要做到最好而且是Future-proved。



  • Coinbase提供了简单易用的用户体验,但却有着高昂的手续费和最少的交易组合。
  • Krakin提供大量的交易组合,却无法解决高并发和高延时的问题。
  • Etherdelta身为一个分布式的交易所,用户却无法承受以太网的网络延迟和性能问题。
  • Bitfinex作为交易量最大的交易平台,却拥有低的并发能力(如BTC/USD只能处理每秒10个交易),存在着系统性缺陷。
  • Bitrex & Binance作为交易所的后期之秀,系统设计和性能可以满足当前需求,但是还是收费的,而且是否能Future-prove尚不清楚。

Business Model 如何盈利

People might wonder how a zero-fee exchange makes a profit. Before giving the answer, I want to kindly point out that in ICO era, having potential is way more important and crucial than profiting.

In ICO era, the potential for growth means an increase in token value, which means everything, from incentives to employees, revenue for the company and even nailing successful marketing campaigns such as bounty programs.

There're three main revenue models, you are welcome to ask for explanations in the comments below:

  • ICO Underwriting service
  • Interest in margin funding
  • Premier Service annual fee




  • ICO承接服务手续费
  • 借贷服务的利息收入
  • 企业级用户年费收入

Potential of Cobinhood

Cobinhood's price was up from $0.05 at ICO price to $0.3 as 12/14 with an increase of 600%. Now Cobinhood has an evaluation of 84 million and ranks 106th, all happen within three months, well that's not surprising. But it shows very big potential with limited market expose like it's only listed on Etherdelta( that being said, only early adopters are in the market) and has limited marketing campaigns( past marketing only focus on North America and Russia ), even more potential for the upcoming news of the launch of a zero fee exchange with high frequency(1million /pair/s and low latency(low to 1ms) itself!

9月份ICO到写稿时12/14日,Cobinhood在仅仅于Etherdelta平台交易(主要平台)的前提下价格从发行价$0.05涨到今日$0.31, 收益600%, 市值8400万,排名106位。这是短短三月内交出的成绩单,还是在没有大机构介入的情况下早期自由市场决定的(先行者市场)。


  • ICO Underwriting(能空投的代币)

Essentially, this is huge for Cob holders, every Cob holder gets airdrop of tokens of every underwriting ICO at a significant discount, like 1 Cob! The token amount is a fixed percentage of your Cob amount.

For example, if you own 100,000 Cobs and keep it in Cobinhood's exchange wallet, you will get an airdrop of 4600 CMT. ( CMT is the first ICO project they underwrote a month ago call Cybermiles, which by the way, is huge too )

这是目前给Cobinhood token(简称Cob)持有者的最大利益了,Cobinhood会主动寻找有潜力和正规的项目提供ICO承接服务,此项服务的优势是他们能保证所承接的代币可以第一时间上线交易量大的交易所(当然是指Cobinhood了),代价是5%的手续费。而这5%会提供给Cob持有者以极低的折扣购入,购入量以所持的Cob数量相关。

比如他们承接的第一个项目CyberMiles:如果你持有10W个Cob,那么你可以以极低的价格(1个Cob)购入10W的4.6%量的Cybermils代币(CMT)。只要花1Cob能换到4600个CMT(价值$828, $0.18/CMT 12/14)。


关于Cybermiles的空投获得指南,Detail instruction of airdrop:

List of supported tokens + CMT, USD fiat supported at launch is confirmed.
已知支持的货币列表 + CMT, 上线时已知支持美元法币

  • 0手续费 Zero Trading Fee

Zero trading fee for normal tradings as well as API batch tradings, also the ability to lend tokens to margin traders for interest ( 50/50 shares between platform and lender )

个人投资者进行普通交易,脚本批量API交易都是0手续费,同时还能把资产租出给需要Margin Trading的人去获得利息收入(利息收入个人和平台50/50平分)。

  • 高度并发的系统设计与次毫秒级的交易延迟 High frequency & low latency

COBINHOOD's proprietary order matching engine can process millions of orders with sub-millisecond latency. The whole system is designed to be fully distributed, highly available, and auto-scalable, achieving the ultimate trading experience for traders around the globe.

By comparison, the COBINHOOD platform can process more than one million orders per second with sub-millisecond latency. That’s as close to a secure, real-time cryptocurrency trading experience as possible. This makes COBINHOOD not only the world’s first cryptocurrency exchange capable of high-frequency trading, but also the leading cryptocurrency exchange in terms of order execution and profitability.

There's one thing need to mention, Conbihood currently serves server at Central US and no Geo-replication solution is adopted, therefore the latency worldwide will be hundreds of ms( in normal cases which will be super fast already) depending on your distance from centrel US.Cobinhood also provides VPC for < ms latency for VIP users.

Cobinhood采用了自建的分片机制和分布式云计算机制,云计算好理解,内部自创的分片机制特点是拥有auto-scaling功能和auto ballancing功能,就像一个分片负载均衡器吧,此技术用以实现交易引擎


Order数据存储于Redis-cluster,通过WAMP协议更新实时账本数据,最终transaction交易存储于Google Spinner中。



有点需要注意的是Cobinhood的服务器位于Central America(希望以后会增多吧),并没有采用地域备份(Geo-replication)方案,所以实际的响应时间取决于你的地理位置,如果在服务器旁边响应时间能接近1ms,全球范围内则是百毫秒级的,而百毫秒级的响应时间对于日常用户来说是完全可以接受的。对于企业级用户和数量级交易用户,可以通过Google的VPC服务获取1ms的响应速度。对于付费Premier用户,甚至可以获得<1ms级的响应速度。


行动和价位目标 Action point & Target price

Launch Date 上线日期:12/18/2017
Airdrop CMT Date 空投日期:1/5/2018
Purchase before launch at Etherdelta

ICO Price 价位:$0.05 (Ended已结束)
Current Price 当前价位: $0.3-$0.34
Short-term Target price: $0.5-$1.00 ( One week to one month after launch)
短期目标 价位: $0.5-$1.00 (上线后一周至一个月)
Mid-term Target price: $2-$3 (before 2018 Q2, current price of BNB)
中期目标 价位:$2-$3(2018年Q2前,币安价位)
Long-term Target price: Moon (after 2018 Q2, the launch of decentralized version )
长期目标 价位: Moon (2018年Q2后,分布式交易所上线后)

Full Disclosure 作者解释

I attended the Cobinhood ICO, held a portion of COB, and observed the Cobinhood team for three months. I will keep all COB for the long term. Given my knowledge and experience in exchanges, I feel it would be irresponsible for me NOT to recommend it.

本人关注了Cobinhood团队三个月,目前持有Cob代币,看好Cobinhood并打算长期持有,观察了Cob三个月,决定写文章推荐大家在交易所上线后关注,强烈看好的人可以抓紧时间在上线前入手Cob。Go COB! Go LamboPopo.


Good read! I mean with BTC prices skyrocketing I think it makes more sense to try cloud mining because of higher returns. 10% OFF voucher: HF17PROF5

Thank you for your reply! Hope you mass profit.

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