Hash rush. The first large-scale hash-powered strategy game. ICO
Hi everyone,
Many ICOs are are trying to take a share of the big crypto market. Not all of them can, but surely many of them have great potential.
Has Rush is one of those. The claim to be "The first large-scale hash-powered strategy game". Based on Ethereum
I'll try to explain it in few words:
They developed a game, which actually allows players to mine Cryptos both in the game and in real life; therefore earn money by playing. In the game you have to manage a mining colony and try to expand it. You're to complete tasks to earn more of their tokens in order to upgrade your mines. The upgrade of your mine in the game will result in an increasing of your hashing power in real life; it means more mined cryptos. The tokens that they are now distribuiting (Rush Coin RC) will be the money of the game. Of course the tokens will be tradeble in the future on some exchange platform (But not in the immediate future, it is still under development).
They say you can mine BTC, Ethereum (platform which the game is based on), Monero and eventually others.
I still don't know if I'll take part of it, but surely it seems to be interesting. You basically invest for mining power, like you already can do, but in addition to that you also get a service (the fun of the game). They also claim that you don't need to invest directly to get started, but for sure it would help speeding up the mining.
Check out their website: https://www.hashrush.com/