Typerium - An experience through my first ICO Token investment.

in #ico6 years ago (edited)


I want to share my experience making an investment in Initial Coin Offerings and why Typerium is my first.


Today is a special day, I successfully invested in my first ICO! I have been a crypto enthusiast for a few years now but always avoided token based currencies due to their lack of being user friendly, can you imagine trying to teach the elders in your family how to use Ethereum? For this reason I always hung around the older coins.

Well, I tested new waters today and invested in an ICO called Typerium. Typerium are building a decentralized platform for content creators with a social network platform bringing consumers & creators closer together than ever before. Creators have always been under cut and consumers always get over charged. Typerium have a vision to change this forever with a platform built to protect creators from piracy.

I have been an activist since my childhood, It's always been in my family so you could say it runs through my blood. Content protection is a very serious matter and needs more attention in the political world, I'm happy to see the team at Typerium take on this responsibility with a mission to protect content creators. Let's remember content is a huge part of E-Commerce and provides everyone around the world with a means to become independent by selling their creativity. As the world moves forward platforms need creating that will help bring the real world up-to date with the cyber world.


I have been around Typerium since very early on, I think I was in the first few thousand in the Telegram group and I've seen it grow to 26.2k currently. Well today is the day of the PRE-SALE which can only be purchased through their website. https://typerium.io/

The sale experience.

I signed up a few days earlier to prepare securing my account with 2FA and had no issues. At this stage the process was easy. I then updated my account settings putting my ETH address in so I could purchase at the time of launch 7PM U.K time.

I had my investment ready in my Myethereum wallet ready, as the website got updated and the address was available to purchase it got a little bit more complicated for me but the team was on standby helping me through the whole process. The first couple of times failed due to the amount of high demand Typerium were experiencing so I became a little stressed out because I didn't understand why and what was happening to see failed transactions so I seeked advice from the devs. I had a GAS issue that at the time was above my head of knowledge but after explaining my issues to the developers in Telegram I was quickly guided to a successful investment.

This was the solution that solved my problem of sending my investment. If you're reading with the same issue of sending your investment and the transction failing please follow this created by the official team.

Instructions: Add Custom Token in MyEtherWallet

Step 1) Add Custom Token
Step 2) Add Address
Step 3) Add TYPE
Step 4) Decimals 4
Step 5) Click Get Address on Typerium
Step 6) Paste Address in your MyEtherWallet
Step 7) Send

In my 5 years of being semi into cryptocurrencies I've never met a team quite like the team at Typerium. In my experience the general population of crypto enthusiasts do not help each other, I know they're the developers so some could say it's their job but let's remember this was help during the most chaotic period of their journey so far in changing the world of e-commerce. They have been under a huge amount of stress and to receive such easily user friendly instructions as a student to the ETH platform I managed to successfully get involved in the first round of SALE at Typerium.



I want to send a warning out for anybody who is looking for help and support in the PRE-SALE for typerium. I have put together the devs advice and some security warnings to make sure you don't get fooled by people trying to impersonate the developers.

This is their official Telegram https://t.me/typerium

  1. The developers will never inbox you first. Always use the official chat to contact them first.
  2. They have warned they will not reply to Direct Messages.
  3. The address for sending ETH is found on the official website only.
  4. The Telegram group has a pinned message with the usernames of official admins. Whom are listed below:



If you get an inbox from somebody impersonating the developers please report their account to help keep Telegram a clean platform.

I want to say a BIG thank you to the team at Typerium, my first experience of investing in an ICO was really easy. I feel really happy I successfully jumped on the first round. The team should be very proud of themselves, they have worked through the night taking turns for 3 hours sleep each between to make sure everybody gets the best customer service. 10/10 SALE experience.

Thank you so much team!


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