How to earn million 10 ideas

in #ideas8 years ago

 Thus, that it is needed to do, to earn millions:
1. Million Dollar Homepage
you have 1000000 pels, it is needed to pay one dollar for apixel - it, maybe, most dumb idea of on-line business, thatcould come in a head
to the man. Nevertheless 21-years-old Алекс Тью (AlexTew), this idea came to the mind that, now millionaire.

2. SantaMail
Find for itself a mailing address on the North pole (city in thestate Alaska), pretending, that you Санта Claus and take for10 dollars from parents, that
want, that a sheet came their children. From the moment ofbeginning of the business, from 2001, Byron Різ (ByronReese) sent more than 200 thousand folias, that did him
on the pair of millions of dollars more richly.

3. Doggles
And here took and got sun-blinkers for dogs millions.

4. LaserMonks - it a profile separation of the Cistercianabbey of Virgo Maria is a monastery in that there are 8monks in all, located on the hills of county
Монро is in 90 miles north-west of Madison. The real monksrefuel your  your cartridges are for a printer. The level of sales for 2005made 2.5 millions

5. AntennaBalls
you will not be able to sell aerial balls on-line. In no way. Andcertainly it will not do you rich. However exactly it was doneby Джейсон Уолл (Jason Wall)
and now he is a millionaire.

6. FitDeck
Do the log of maps with the images of different physicalexercises and begin them to sell for $ 18.95. Former "fur-seal" and instructor from a fitness Phil
Блек (Phil Black) declared last year a profit in size of 4.7million dollars.

7. PositivesDating.Com
Would you go on an appointment with the ВІЛ-інфікованоюman? Paul Грейвс (Paul Graves) and Брендон Кочлін(Brandon Koechlin) decided that so, that is why last year
created the web-site of appointments for ВІЛ-інфікованих.An income at 2006 made 110 thousand dollars. They hopethat in next two years on a web-site will be
more than 50 thousands 

8. Designer Diaper Bags
Christie Рейн (Christie Rein) got tired to carry with itselfdiapers in a separate portable bag. a 34-years-old motherconstantly suffered because it was her
to fill diapers for the little son bag, that they were not rumpledin her Dorothy bag. Rhine wanted to get something compact,beautiful and
stylish, that is why in November, 2004 they together with theman sat down and decided to create the special bag fordiapers, that would be sufficiently
bridge in order that all set of traveller and 2-4 diapersclimbed for her. With the volume of sales for 2005 in a sizeover 180 thousand dollars
company of Christie Diapees&Wipees develops bags 22different styles that can be purchased on-line in 120boutiques all over the world after $ 14.99.

9. PickyDomains
To hire other man, that he thought of the beautiful names ofdomens for you. Actually, the process of search of thedomain names for other people became stormily
develop business, especially, when no risk is. PickyDomainshas a list of expecting people that presently  to pay it blooded money for bright and the domain name is easilymemorized. In a company expect that PickyDomains thisyear will attain the sum of sales on шестизначної
to the mark.

10. Lucky Wishbone Co
False plastic "stones of desires" are from a hen. As turn out,very many are ready to buy it. Now a firm produces 30thousand stones every day (they cost for 3 dollars for a thing). 

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