What is Love? : Information Finding Championship (@ifc) S02R09 Entry

in #ifc5 years ago


This is my entry for the Information Finding Championship Season 02 Round 09 (run by @ifc and @apolymask) with the topic of "LOVE"!

What is Love?


Perhaps the most common thought that pops into one's head when the word "Love" is mentioned is the concept of Romantic Love. The thrill of love at first sight, the idealised notion that has been popularised by books and movies since the Elizabethan Age (as a side note, that period of Western history has a lot to answer for....).

It is the love that we are most familiar with as young adults and teenagers. The searching for that one person who is the complete fit in all things, that completes your very being... perhaps similar to the best friend or the soulmate, perhaps slightly different? The idea that compels us to do stupid things, which takes up our every thought and waking hour.

Perhaps it manifests itself in the puppy love of figures of authority, or perhaps in the unrequited secret love from a distance. Maybe it is the close friendship that blossoms into something that is much more.... with more at stake and more to lose, yet with so much more to take pleasure from!

Other Loves?


As we grow through life... we start to discover other forms of love, some abstract.... and others destructive. It could be the love of a material thing, a favourite car or belonging that is irrationally prized beyond its ability to return the affection... or the love of progress of some numbers in some ledger somewhere to brings meaning to some lives, and a perception of societal validation.

It could be the love of an animal or a pet, who is in some way able to return the love and affection... but will be forever hampered (well, some might disagree strongly with this...) by the ability to communicate and be an equal partner.

It might be the love that a parent has for a child, the sort of commitment that leads one to sacrifice parts of your own vision and time to help realise the meaning of another life. The sort of love that leads one to spend countless years sleeping on hard floors, calming tears and helping to realise dreams. However strong this love, it is still one that has an implicit heirarchy and one that will be forever separated in time... forever out of phase as one is destined to finish before the other.

My Thoughts on Love


So... after all of this rambling... what are my thoughts on what love is? Love is the thought that there will always be someone who is your companion on the unknown journey through life, the one who provides safety and contentment, knowing that they somehow, unbelievably, they accept your faults along with any positives that might otherwise be invisible to you. It is the bond with the person who helps you become the best person that you can be, who you will do anything for...

... it is the idea that at the end of a long day of work and travelling, after they have had their own personal long day of life, that there is someone who remembered you long enough to welcome you home with a much appreciated meal, left warming in the oven!

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Love is all around... all you have to do is look. The smile of a stranger leaves me loving the world we live in, the unhurried mom, taking the time to explain to her child, the love of a child - as she holds the hand of an ailing parent...

Oh, yes...

Love is all around, and sometimes, oh, so fleeting.


Thanks for the tip!

Now, there is another song that I know! All the little things that you mention, it is all around us! We just have to look and be receptive to it!

Yes!! That is exactly it!

Many other languages have multiple different words for each varietion of love ❤️

That is interesting, I had no idea of that!

It is a very interesting fact that relates deeply to the loss of use in the word love as the majority people only use it as reference in English towards their life partners or family.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Love is everywhere and love is universal. Let's spread the love and make the world a lovely place to live in.

Love this post. Full of love and just what we need in the world right now💖💖💖

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I'm very happy you enjoyed the post! Love is really force for good in this world!

I love this. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, glad you loved it!

Just the simple things <33

Simple... and important! What is simple to one, is the world to another!

Lovely post @bengy My favorite subject ♥ I love love!!! When we truly discover love within us, we see it everywhere. The trick is sticking with that feeling of love inside... ;-)

Agreed, it is possible to see it everywhere around us if we look and are receptive! ... and having that feeling within us is really a special thing!

I've been through all the loves and the one that endures is the one that never ends

Now the trick is finding out which one that is....

When I first saw the blog title, I immediately thought of "Haddaway - What Is Love" :)

Great post and well written - would like to add that love doesn't all have to be external. If you learn to love yourself and trust that it will all be OK, then that can also be very comforting and freeing. But you can't beat the feeling you described at the end there :)

Hey you, get out of my head! :D

Now I have to work extra hard trying to come up with something else to say.... :foxyemoji:

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more ♪

singing and dancing in meuf's head

I heard someone did a Drum & Bass remix of this one but it's not in the public domain anymore. It might make a reappearance though...

Baby don't hurt me... No more!

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Well, if you can't beat em, join em.

Starts dancing too

Oh that would be pretty cool to hear. Be dancing to that one too :D

Haha well I'll see if I can fish it out and send it over to you 😉

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Sadly... I don't know that song (at least I don't think I do....), maybe I should check... probably something that I do know, but don't know the name of! Good point, internal "love" is a really important thing for a certain internal stability and confidence... although, I wouldn't have called it love... something else, but I haven't got the word for that at the moment...

Love the word with so many connotations.

To live is to know love, love thyself, love crypto we use the word so freely, perhaps it is a good question What is love!

Love (and hate) are really quite over-used words! They really should be quite extreme, but now they are used quite often for quite trivial things...

Love is All you need dear ohh and good music 😉💃

Haha... now that is a song that I know!

I didnt know but glad ! Music makes the world go round

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