IKONIC - The Esports Industry By Combining Blockchain Technology With Gaming

in #ikonic3 years ago


Esports viewership is a core aspect of Esports. Esports viewers or fans are universal and they do not depend on a certain city or a neighborhood for example. The digital world of esports is forever changing and expanding. As the industry grows bigger, games become more exciting and players become more known. The growth of the global esports has been a huge factor in increasing the popularity of professional gaming.

Nowadays, we have a new generation of gamers that are less concentrated on playing for fun and more focused on playing in a professional manner. This kind of attitude is what made it possible for big brands to notice the potential of this market and invest their money into sponsoring esports teams. IKONIC is the first decentralized esports marketplace which allows users to buy and sell in-game items, skins and other virtual goods, betting on esports matches and tournaments as well as participating in lotteries, jackpots and raffles. The platform was created on the blockchain technology in order to ensure transparency, security and profit sharing with every participant involved.

The Primary Objective of IKONIC

The primary objective of IKONIC is to create a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace that gives players and spectators in the Esports industry access to a variety of various revenue sources. IKONIC is of the opinion that the memories of the most spectacular moments in the history of Esports are fading away, and as a result, the company has implemented the most recent technology and revenue models, including the combination of blockchain and gaming technology, in order to provide solutions and expand the opportunities for gamers to earn money. It's possible that you're curious about the financial advantages brought forth by IKONIC.

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To put it simply, it sums up the main point of the essay. IKONIC's economic potential is readily apparent, and it can be broken down into two categories: Esports and blockchain technology. Both of these things are a part of the larger game metaverse, and both of them provide incredible prospects for IKONIC. IKONIC incorporates all of these trends into a single firm in order to capitalize on the vast synergistic potential that is inherent in the industry as a whole.

How IKONIC could do well in Esports

Esports is making a lot of money in the sports industry right now. The market value of esports is $950 million right now, and it is expected to go up by 9% every year until 2023. The competitions are getting harder, but one problem in the esports world is that those great moments are getting harder to find. There's no doubt that esports fans and investors would want to know about these moments. In the sports business, keeping a team's history alive is nothing new. Large markets have grown up for sports memorabilia and collectibles. The collectibles bring in about $140 billion each year. One example is NBA Top Shot, which has made more than $230 million in just a few months.

Esports doesn't have this kind of history, at least not on a platform that uses blockchain. IKONIC was the first to think about how this could work in esports and put things in place to make NBA Top Shot a hit in the esports world. They use blockchain technology to help professional players make more money and reach more people.

Then, here is benefit if you use IKONIC with blockchain

Since quite some time ago, there have been many different online gaming platforms, some of which have a value to the economy that is measured in the millions of dollars. As an example, have a look at World of Warcraft, Second Life, and EVE Online. The problem with these online platforms, however, is that the economic values of the time spent playing the games and the trade that takes place inside their internal marketplaces are constrained and confined, and their specific areas don't provide for much room for maneuvering.

The playing of blockchain games is not regulated. Users are able to hold in-game currencies and game assets that are represented as security tokens thanks to the tokenization function of blockchain. Users are also able to deal with the tokens or swap them with each other as they see fit, which might include the actual exchange of cash. This indicates that a variety of the game's valued items may be exchanged for monetary worth outside of the context in which they were originally used.

IKONIC may capitalize on yet another opportunity presented by blockchain gaming by taking use of the fact that blockchain companies are exempt from the need to pay dividends to their shareholders. This allows the company to retain a bigger portion of its overall worth. Because more values will be distributed across a greater number of users, gamers will have the opportunity to play more often and increase their earnings.

IKONIC is working on a blockchain game that will allow for the creation of markets. New income models may be supported by blockchain-based markets, which is beneficial to game creators as well as inventive games. Additionally, those who are creative and innovative are encouraged to engage in transactions that do not involve any other parties.

In the end, one reason for esports players to sign up for IKONIC is the reward. The reward system within IKONIC is quite different from any other platform out there. In other platform, a user can only get rewards from donations from other users, but in IKONIC, there are also challenges and tournaments that will allow a user to earn rewards. IKONIC is here to make a difference. The platform wants to offer players back their lost earnings from the past. IKONIC wants to distribute these earnings among all players and fans of the game. The platform is not limited to esports only, but it has a wider vision – it wants to promote sports in general and help all athletes out there.

Check update on link below:

Website: https://www.ikonic.gg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_ikonic
Telegram: https://t.me/ikonic_moment
Discord: https://discord.gg/FPckz79SUy
Medium: https://medium.com/ikonic-hq
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq5Ws23RjNuUNc-Sth_gCQ


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