Ikonic - Join The Next Generation NFT Esports & Pro-gaming Market At Ikonic

in #ikonic3 years ago


Hi everyone... If you're interested in learning more about IKONIC, I've put together a report for you below, so keep reading to learn more about the project, and then I'll answer the question. Your question: Now let's move on to the topic of discussion.

As the eSports industry evolves into a multi-million dollar event and company, iKONIC will offer them new ways to connect with their fanbase and own and share their favorites.

A few clicks turn even the wildest and most dramatic levels into NFTs. With a few more clicks they are listed on the iKONIC marketplace and available for trading. They can be designed to pay a lifetime license fee or even generate an additional revenue stream through sub-licensing rights.

However, all of this is just the beginning! Unlike other NFT marketplaces, iKONIC will be unique. It will be a movement, not just a group of people. We look forward to helping the IKONIC community use their passion for the game to achieve great things. As a team we can achieve anything:

A completely new economic model can create many new, exciting and original games: gambling services.
Metaverse badly needs a new launchpad for the next wave of indie blockchain games so gamers everywhere can take advantage of it.
These projects will thrive if they have a larger market for in-game content and create a sustainable ecosystem for them.


This is a groundbreaking program that allows users to print video game footage on NFT as the basis for the first four attempts.

This is a groundbreaking program that allows users to print video game footage on NFT as the basis for the first four attempts. Here is a video showing how it works. NFT printing has been incorporated into this app so players can do it right from their physical console!

iKONIC is the only company in the industry with this concept and therefore has the advantage of being first in the market. The app's demo proved useful for casual gamers, but the technology behind it could be of great use to professional game streamers as well. The eSports team and promoters will certainly be interested in this core product and the surrounding community. However, blockchain technology will allow them to generate more revenue streams from their assets than they ever imagined.



iKONIC's value creation strategy stands in contrast to the huge growth potential of this gaming trend. To achieve this, we intend to:

CLIP GAME IN NFTS: Seamlessly print IKONIC video clips to NFT. As we've come to expect from Instagram and TikTok, this new platform will help you make small edits and develop video footage in a fast and fun way. Everyone will be able to use the platform and have fun with it. Our goal is to create a platform that players of all skill levels can use to capture and share unforgettable gaming memories with their friends and followers. On the platform, users easily manage royalties and sub-licensing rights, allowing them to take ownership of their content and easily manage and monetize it.

A MARKET TO DEVELOP AND INCLUDES IN NFT The gameplay clip by IKONIC will be the main highlight of the original design. So players with their own game material can easily get their money's worth. A larger market for gaming-related digital assets can be built on top of existing market and community infrastructure as iKONIC continues to grow. iKONIC games as a service supported by market expansion. Launcher concept as described below.

Have you ever been to a collector and seen them display their NFTS? The trophy collection they have is amazing! Finally, iKONIC brings this experience to the realm of digital NFT. At IKONIC, owning NFTs - both video clips and in-game content - are like real objects that you can interact with and interact with, making them even more valuable than other NFT alternatives .


IKONIC is the name of the token.
The total stock is 2,500,000,000
$6,000,000 is the maximum amount that can be legally spent.
$2,000,000 in starting money
Selling for $2,000,000 was a smart move.
An estimated $2,000,000 is available for public sale
$3,200,000 is its initial market value.
Outstanding stock at launch: 157,916,667
Diluted market cap to $50,000,000
Assumed listing time: Q2 2022.
Token Allocation:



The IKONIC NFT Marketplace is the world's first dedicated NFT e-sports marketplace. How you use KONIC's content monetization is entirely up to you. iKONIC strives to bridge the gap between gamers through the use of NFT. The platform will be accessible to all players. Anyone can score and collect the greatest gaming moments in eSports history. People will talk about these things for a long time. For the first time, e-athletes can leave their mark on history using blockchain technology. OWN CODE with today's best eSports moments and classic collections. Players' opinions will be reflected in the market as iKONIC is developed by players for players.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.ikonic.gg/
Whitepaper: https://globaluploads.webflow.com/615f264a1577bed3445ca158/623dbd2495e2c49f8aef3444_LitePaperIkonic.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_ikonic
Telegram: https://t.me/ikonic_moment
Discord: https://discord.gg/FPckz79SUy
Medium: https://medium.com/ikonic-hq
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq5Ws23RjNuUNc-Sth_gCQ

Forum Username: ChaimAmir

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3425936

Telegram Username: @Duncand

Participated Campaigns: facebook

BSC wallet address: 0xA63e80700e354eeD209C6808eBbD87F4e4B9FB23