a kindness from God

in #im6 years ago

بسمالله الرحمن الرحيم
This is a reflection

Rosulalloh Saw said, the boy's death would be in two groups

  • BGI spirit of a "unhappy person" they will meet the waiter of heaven, and live free of his ignorance of his or her parents

  • a group of righteous children, including a miserable child will be placed in a beautiful mountain paradise

The mountain is subdivided by the tree and the baby is guarded by the prophet Ibrohim as Siti Sarah as, always always in awe, never thirsty, and always praying to Alloh ,, to be able to hold hands with both her parents, because of the lack of opportunity to do the world first
(Hdist history of Ibn Abi Dunya)

D paradise of the khuba trees / thuba trees that can all be affectionate to their susceptants including the child who is the world who still suckle their nanny is the prophet Ibrohim kholilulloh

  • for the "unhealthy" children they will be placed in the green belly of birds and fading in heaven

  • when d ask when all the people are placed in heaven and hell, the little boy inhabbles in heaven, and when asked by the angels to enter heaven !! Merka replied *

We will not go to heaven while we can not meet our late father, we want to go to heaven with him,

When the angel, tell the boy that their mother / father is in the boy HELL cry,

If in the world we can not get together with our mom and dad, why can not we be with him ,?
Let us intercede for our mothers and fathers, for us to enter the heaven of Allah

You're crying, so it's down to RAhMAT ALLOh and then ordering the angels to take the father of a child who lives in hell

Dn intercessors who, then take their parents with their children to heaven

Then the mother of the father of the child, drew the hell out of hell, they will hold on to their parents, and they will be happy with the LORD'S GOD ALWAYS

Source of the book daqoiqul akbar, khojinatil astor, annawadir and Kitab Durooh ,,


It's west of the child's loss, it's really sad, but the old man is happy, why he's got a savings to go to heaven, by the way,

Bhkan says the rosul, it would be harmful to the mother's father to have no children, because the child will intercede for both (mutafaqun aleh)

Barokalloh ,,
Pray for our children so Salleh / Solehah;) image

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