Hemp paper for forest savers

in #indo-stem7 years ago (edited)

Cannabis sativa AD 512. image source

Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Glad to meet you again and hopefully healthy always.
Today I will discuss the benefits of marijuana/cannabis, as we know that marijuana has become part of the forbidden plant in some countries, including Indonesia.

Cannabis is prohibited because it has been widely abused, in fact, if used in accordance with current knowledge of marijuana has many advantages such as the world of health, construction, and others. Like today, we will discuss one of the benefits that benefit, hopefully useful.

Some studies have suggested that cannabis fiber can be used to make paper (hemp paper) [1], now we have known the paper, the papers that are widely used today are made of wood fiber.

We never imagine how many trees are felled to meet the world's paper needs to date.
But what is paper?


Paper sheet. image source

The paper is usually made of wood fibers (cellulose and hemicellulose) that have been separated from other woods through chemical processes and so on [2].

Paper is a medium for writing and can also be used for other purposes, previously for human writing media using various types of materials, such as leather, palm leaves, bones, stones and so on [2].

The history of a paper itself has been known to have several versions, among which a famous is a Chinese version.

Before a paper is known as it is today, the Chinese had used silk material as a writing medium, and then in the early 2nd century, Cai Lun found a medium of writing that was cheaper than silk. A written media is made of various materials, including cloth, wood and so on [2].

Until 1799, Nicholas Louis Robert managed to find the process of making modern paper manually and continue to be developed [2].

Friedrich Gottlob Keller in 1814 later found a way of making pulp (separate fiber with non-fiber) wood, this discovery still produces paper with low quality, but Keller's pulp findings have changed the writing media as we know it today [2].

According to calculations, a ton of pulp is produced from 4.5 m3 of wood and produces 1,2 tons of paper [3] and the fact is that only 30% of companies use timber from company forest, the rest comes from natural forest [3]. A source mentions "to produce 1 ream of paper (500 sheets) it takes 1 tree that has been aged 5 years" [4].

According to the above calculations, we realize that this year we have lost more of a world's forests than a previous year, this is exacerbated by the non-official paper companies against environmental damage.

So how is the solution to save the natural forests?

Initially, we have to reduce a consumptive nature of a paper and immediately replace old trees to be used as papermaking materials or even reduce an use of these woods using other materials.

As I mentioned above, cannabis fiber (hemp) can be used as a much better paper-making material.

Is it possible?


Cannabis cross section. image source

Actually, marijuana/cannabis is a fiber-producing plant but this plant also produces Tetrahydrokanabinol, the substance if consumed can give effect euphoria [5].

Cannabis/marijuana can grow up to 2 meters and only grow at an altitude of 1000 MASL [ 5 ], so marijuana grows in all regions of the world.

The people of Aceh have long known marijuana, even making marijuana as a spice herbs cuisine.

Before there was a strict prohibition against the planting of marijuana, in Aceh marijuana became a vegetable component and was generally presented [ 5 ]

Cannabis fibers. image source

Cannabis can be harvested for only a few months, so they can be easily renewed not like wood that takes years to work.

How to create hemp paper

  1. Stalks of marijuana plants that have been cleaned, pounded to pieces and become fibers.
  2. The fiber is then boiled with soda ash for four hours.
  3. The fiber is then dried for one night
  4. Rinse the fiber with clean water
  5. Then the fiber is crushed to pulp
  6. A pulp then poured into a container that has been given clean water, a pulp will be on the bottom surface of the container and you can already filter it into a frame with paper size.
  7. You can do the pulp pressing process to remove water content and wait a few days for pulp to be used and become hemp paper.

Benefits of using hemp paper [ 1 ]

  1. Long marijuana fiber (making paper more powerful that can be recycled more often than wood paper)
  2. Hemp contains high levels of cellulose (57-77% - more cellulose makes more pulp)
  3. Hemp has a low lignin content (3%) (this is what makes wooden yellow pulp paper from time to time).
  4. One hectare of marijuana can produce as much fiber that can be used as four hectares of trees. Hemp can be harvested every 100 days. Trees take tens of years to harvest.

Hemp paper is considered more environmentally friendly, currently, cannabis plant is a good fiber producer for paper because it can produce high-quality pulp. Hemp paper has cut the conventional paper production cycle as we know it does not need kraft process, which is the process of mixing wood plump with chemicals and harmful to the environment. To obtain a good quality hemp paper or white paper, you can mix some chlorine-less materials [1].

Hemp paper. image source


Indirectly, we have cut down a lot of trees just to fulfill the consumer's need for paper, whereas the papers are produced from a single tree that is at least five years old.

The process of making paper from logs also involves various chemical processes that can damage the environment.

Currently, the experts continue to refine the hemp paper or paper made of as well as cannabis to be used maximally, hemp paper is considered a solution to reduce an use of wood as paper-material.

Given the number of countries that prohibit cannabis plants grow illegally making hemp paper cannot be produced in every country, especially Indonesia. So that only a few countries can enjoy this technology right now.


Cannabis sativa 512 M. image source

Salam, apa kabar teman steemit? Senang berjumpa kembali dengan anda dan semoga sehat selalu.
Hari ini saya akan berdiskusi tentang manfaat ganja, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa ganja telah menjadi bagian tanaman terlarang di beberapa negara, termasuk Indonesia.

Ganja dilarang karena telah banyak disalahgunakan, sebenarnya jika digunakan sesuai dengan pengetahuan saat ini ganja memiliki banyak keuntungan seperti pada dunia kesehatan, konstruksi dan lainnya. Seperti hari ini, kita akan membahas salah satu manfaat yang menguntungkan, semoga bermanfaat.

Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan bahwa serat ganja dapat digunakan untuk membuat kertas (hemp paper) [1], saat ini kita telah mengenal kertas, kertas-kertas yang banyak digunakan saat ini terbuat serat kayu.

kita tidak pernah membayangkan berapa banyak pohon yang ditebang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kertas dunia hingga saat ini.

Tetapi apa itu kertas?


Lembar kertas. image source

Kertas biasanya terbuat dari serat kayu (selulosa dan hemiselulosa) yang telah telah dipisah dari bahan kayu lainnya melalui proses kimia dan lain sebagainya [2].

Kertas adalah media untuk menulis dan juga dapat digunakan untuk keperluan lainnya, sebelumnya untuk media tulis manusia menggunakan berbagai jenis material, seperti kulit, pelepah kurma, tulang, batu dan lain sebagainya [2].

Sejarah kertas sendiri telah dikenal memiliki beberapa versi, diantaranya yang terkenal adalah versi China.

Sebelum kertas dikenal seperti saat ini, bangsa cina telah menggunakan bahan sutra sebagai media tulis, kemudian pada awal abad ke-2 Cai Lun menemukan media tulis yang lebih murah dibanding bahan sutra. Media tulis yang tersebut terbuat dari berbagai jenis material, diantaranya kain, kayu dan lain sebagainya [2].
Hingga pada tahun 1799, Nicholas Louis Robert berhasil menemukan proses pe
mbuatan kertas modern secara manual dan terus dikembangkan [2].

Friedrich Gottlob Keller pada tahun 1814 kemudian menemukan cara pembuatan pulp (memisahkan serat dengan nonserat) kayu, penemuan ini masih menghasilkan kertas dengan kualitas rendah, tetapi pulp hasil temuan Keller telah merubah media tulis seperti yang kita kenal saat ini [2].

Menurut perhitungan, 1 ton pulp dihasilkan dari 4.5 m3 kayu dan menghasilkan1,2 ton kertas [3] dan faktanya hanya 30% perusahaan yang menggunakan kayu yang berasal dari hutan perusahaan, sisanya berasal dari hutan alami [3].

Sebuah sumber menyebutkan “untuk menghasilkan 1 rim kertas (500 lembar) dibutuhkan 1 pohon yang telah berusia 5 tahun” [4].

Sesuai hitungan tersebut, kita sadar bahwa tahun ini kita telah kehilangan hutan dunia lebih banyak dibanding tahun sebelumnya, hal ini diperparah dengan tidak perdulinya perusahaan kertas terhadap kerusakan lingkungan.

Jadi bagaimana solusinya untuk menyelamatkan hutan-hutan tersebut?

Langkah awal tentu kita harus mengurangi sifat konsumtif terhadap kertas dan segera mengganti pohon-pohon berusia tua untuk dijadikan material pembuat kertas atau bahkan mengurangi penggunaan kayu-kayu tersebut dengan menggunakan material lain.

Seperti yang telah saya sebut diatas, bahwa serat ganja dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuat kertas yang jauh lebih baik.

Bagaimana mungkin?


Penampang batang ganja. image source

Sebenarnya ganja merupakan tumbuhan penghasil serat namun tanaman ini juga menghasilkan zat tetrahidrokanabinol, zat tersebut jika dikonsumsi dapat memberikan efek euforia [5].

Ganja dapat tumbuh hingga 2 meter dan hanya tumbuh pada ketinggian 1000 meter DPL [5], sehingga ganja tumbuh di semua wilayah dunia.
Masyarakat Aceh telah lama mengenal ganja, bahkan mejadikan ganja sebagai rempah-rempah bumbu masakan.

Sebelum ada larangan ketat terhadap penanaman ganja, di Aceh daun ganja menjadi komponen sayur dan umum disajikan [5].

Serat ganja. image source

Ganja dapat dipanen hanya beberapa bulan, sehingga dapat dengan mudah diperbaharui tidak seperti kayu yang membutuhkan bertahun-tahun waktu untuk dapat dipergunakan.
Cara membuat hemp paper.

  1. Batang tumbuhan ganja yang telah dibersihkan, dipukul-pukul hingga hancur dan menjadi serat.
  2. Serat tersebut kemudian di didihkan dengan soda ash selama empat jam.
  3. Serat kemudian dikeringkan selama satu malam
  4. Cuci kembali serat tersebut dengan air bersih
  5. Kemudian serat dihancurkan hingga menjadi bubur pulp
  6. Pulp kemudian dituang ke wadah yang telah diberi air bersih, pulp akan berada di permukaan bawah wadah dan anda sudah bisa menyaringnya kedalam bingkai dengan ukuran kertas.
  7. Anda bisa melakukan proses menekan pulp untuk menghilangkan kadar air dan menunggu beberapa hari agar pulp dapat digunakan dan menjadi hemp paper.

Keuntungan menggunakan hemp paper [1]

  1. Serat ganja yang panjang (membuat kertas lebih kuat yang dapat didaur ulang lebih sering daripada kertas kayu )
  2. Hemp berisi tingkat tinggi selulosa ( 57-77% - lebih banyak selulosa membuat lebih bubur kertas)
  3. Hemp memiliki kadar lignin yg rendah (3%) (ini yang membuat kertas pulp kayu kuning dari waktu ke waktu).
  4. Satu hektar ganja dapat memproduksi sebanyak serat yang dapat digunakan seperti empat hektar pohon. Hemp dapat dipanen setiap 100 hari. Pohon membutuhkan waktu puluhan tahun untuk panen.

Hemp paper dianggap lebih ramah lingkungan,saat ini tanama ganja merupakan penghasil serat bagus bagi kertas karena dapat menghasilkan pulp dengan kualitas tinggi.

Hemp paper telah memotong siklus produksi kertas konvensional seperti yang kita ketahui seperti tidak dibutuhkannya proses kraft, yaitu proses pencampuran plump kayu dengan bahan kimia dan berbahaya terhadap lingkungan.

Untuk memperoleh hemp paper dengan kualitas bagus atau kertas yang berwarna putih, anda dapat mencampur beberapa material yang tidak terdapat klorin [1].

Hemp paper. image source


Secara tidak langsung, kita telah menebang banyak pohon hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumtif terhadap kertas, padahal kertas-kertas tersebut diproduksi dari satu batang pohon yang minimal berusia lima tahun.

Proses pembuatan kertas dari batang kayu juga melibatkan berbagai proses kimia yang dapat merusak lingkungan.

Saat ini para ahli terus menyempurnakan hemp paper atau kertas yang terbuat dari serta ganja untuk dapat digunakan secara maksimal, hemp paper dianggap solusi untuk mengurangi penggunaan kayu sebagai material kertas.

Mengingat banyaknya negara yang melarang tumbuhan ganja tumbuh secara illegal menjadikan hemp paper belum dapat diproduksi pada setiap negara khususnya Indonesia. Sehingga hanya beberapa negara saja yang dapat menikmati teknologi ini.

This is the only thing I can write on this occasion, over all the mistakes and lack of unintentional writing as a servant of God, I apologize.

Thanks to friends who have visited this blog and provided constructive comments, as well as scientists who are willing to sacrifice their time for a better civilization.

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BEST REGARDS @kharrazi


Hemp has great potential, but it is not banned due to it being abused. It is banned due to the potential of putting the cotton and other industries out of business. Hemp as a fiber and its other uses is such a great commodity, and it will never be accepted as it was before in America due to the threat its widespread use would have on obliterating the profit of its competitors.

yup, when one side we try to save the earth but on the other hand, we are faced with the number of workers who lost their jobs lol :D
now the choice is in our hands

It's coming back!

Really good post my friend. You can also use the hemp in many ways to be use. It seeds and flowers are used in health foods, the fibers and stalks can be use to make clothes and construction materials. I also was riding that 1 acre of hemp will produce as much paper as 2 to 4 acres of trees.
I do use hemp fiber to make jewelry!!
It is so sad to realize that having this natural resouces we are no using it. In fact we make it ilegal. It does make sense tho big corporations will loose so much. It is all about the money in the end!

I know that stuff. You are right, Marijuana is fully benefit in the whole of the crop. And I know, you are really understand. The best quality of marijuana round the world it's just from Aceh (Bob Marley really agree with me .... lol). The meaning is, Potential. We thought about that. I have had search lot reference about marijuana's benefit for the human need it. It's absolutely great of blessing from God. But this commodity is abused. the medical inside, marijuana is most important for treatment instrument. I want to say clearly. The marijuana most of benefit with all of its contents, but the majority recognition is marijuana is very dangerous . here this the point. So the national convention has describe it's the marijuana is forbidden to every reason. So, the greats quality of paper, I think we need at long time to be it's the real.

yes, I realize that, but why is alcohol that is clearly more harmful is not prohibited by our government?
because we are only introduced about the consequences of abuse, but not published the tremendous benefits of this plant
stories of abuse, we know there are several types of fungi that can cause hallucinogens, but instead are left by our government
So, what does the government really want?

very good article, this can be a reference for the government, given the rapid growth of marijuana in the country of Indonesia because of the natural conditions are very supportive. so that the leaves of cannabis are not used for things that are not good alone. thank you for sharing your brother

Hope so :D

Hemp is a plant which has so many industrial, ecological, and helath benefits! If it would become common to use the full potential of this plant in every section, a lot of industry branches would have a problem. I hope in the future people will recognize the potential of this multitalented plant and use it to make the world a better place. Hemp grows so much faster than trees, so it's the only good choice to use it for paper industry in the future!

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هو محظور بسبب امكانيه وضع القطن والصناعات الأخرى خارج العمل. القنب وألياف واستخداماتها الأخرى هي مثل هذه السلعة العظيمة ، وانها لن تكون مقبوله كما كان من قبل في أميركا بسبب التهديد استخدامها علي نطاق واسع علي طمس الربح من منافسيها

نعم، أنا أتفق معك.
خوفا من زيادة البطالة
بسبب العديد من الصناعات التي أفلست

Loved it other than your opinion that this plant can be abused.

Please show one death. Give me one serious addict....

I can not find any evidence that marijuana is deadly
unless consuming with pesticides
Lol :D

Add into that the United States genetically engineered a spider mite to specify cannabis as its food source

Wow, interesting information, I dont know about it :)

That’s a cringeworthy factiod.

I have seen fiberglass as well as powdered glass and powdered lead.

The US Constitution was written on hemp paper. It lasts longer than wood pulp paper.

nice post you .... thanks for sharing

pue jih yang nice post?