Diskusi Publik "May Day", BADKO HMI Aceh gandeng Aliansi Buruh Aceh

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Diskusi Publik "May Day", BADKO HMI Aceh gandeng Aliansi Buruh Aceh

"Bersama Sekjen Aliansi Buruh Aceh, Bang Habiby Inseun"

Diskusi Publik yang bertema "Peran Organisasi Buruh dalam Memajukan Perekonomian Aceh" di hadiri puluhan peserta yang terdiri dari OKP, Paguyuban, Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat di 3 in Coffee, Banda Aceh, Kamis 26 April 2018

Wasekum PTKP BADKO HMI Aceh, Muhammad Iqbal, S. Hum selaku Ketua Pelaksana mengatakan bahwa diskusi publik tersebut merupakan kerjasama BADKO HMI Aceh dan Aliansi Buruh Aceh dalam rangka memperingati hari buruh yang akan di peringati 1 mei mendatang.

Dalam diskusi yang dimulai pukul 14.00 WIB itu menghadirkan empat narasumber dengan topik yang berbeda. Diantaranya, Habiby Inseun sebagai Sekretaris Aliansi Buruh Aceh, Syarifah Rahmatillah mewakili Dinas Tenaga kerja dan Mobilitas Penduduk Aceh, Rustam Effendi sebagai pengamat ekonomi Aceh, dan Bulman Satar mewakili Tim RPJMA bidang ekonomi.


Mengawali diskusi, ketua umum BADKO HMI Aceh Mirza Fanzikri, M.Si menyampaikan dalam sambutannya bahwa diskusi publik ini merupakan kegiatan rutin BADKO HMI Aceh, di momen hari buruh ini kita menggandeng ABA sebagai mitra kita untuk membahas isu-isu tenaga kerja di Aceh.

Mirza menyampaikan, ada tiga aktor penting yang menentukan kemajuan pembangunan, baik di daerah maupun secara nasional, yaitu aktor pemerintah sebagai leading sektor, kemudian private sector yang merupakan penyumbang pajak terbesar dan menyerap tenaga kerja di perusahaan perusahaan, serta sektor swasta yang merupakan representatif dari kelompok masyarakat.

"Ketiga sektor ini harus sinergi dalam mendorong kemajuan perekonomian daerah. Maka, pemerintah sebagai leading sektor, selain bertugas mengawal, kita harus mendukung pemerintah dalam memajukan ekonomi lewat kebijakan dan implementasi," kata Mirza dalam sambutannya.

Sekretaris ABA sebagai pemateri pertama dalam topiknya 'kontribusi organisasi buruh dalam penerapan kebijakan perburuhan di Aceh' menyampaikan bahwa ada beberapa kebijakan di Aceh sebagai hasil dorongan dari serikat pekerja buruh, seperti lahirnya Qanun No 7 tentang Ketenagakerjaan sudah diperjuangkan sejak tahun 2007, meskipun pemerintah baru mengesahkan pada 2014, begitu juga Pergub 49 tentang ASI eksklusif.

"Kebijakan ini sudah ada, tapi implementasinya yang masih lemah," kata Habiby Inseun.

Syarifah Rahmatillah yang mewakili Dinas Tenaga kerja dan Mobilitas Penduduk Aceh dalam topiknya 'implementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam menunjang kesejahteraan buruh' menyampaikan bahwa buruh itu bukan hanya pekerja pabrik saja, akan tetapi dalam UU dinyatakan bahwa buruh itu adalah siapapun yang menerima upah adalah buruh, termasuk PNS juga buruh.

"Adapun implementasi kebijakan dari pemerintah dalam menentukan upah buruh adalah adanya lembaga tripartit yang terdiri dari unsur pengusaha, pekerja, dan pemerintah. Selain itu dinas juga berperan sebagai lembaga pengawasan terhadap hak-hak pekerja," ujarnya.

Pengamat ekonomi Aceh, Rustam Effendi dalam topiknya 'Sinergitas pemerintah dan organisasi buruh dalam menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif menyampaikan bahwa wadah pekerja di Aceh belum punya posisi tawar yang baik di mata pemerintah. Padahal, di tengah kondisi ekonomi Aceh yang sangat anjlok seperti ini peran organisasi pekerja buruh sangat penting dengan posisi tawar tinggi.

Rustam menyampaikan strategi ekonomi Aceh harus diperbaiki dan strategi dijalankan lewat kebijakan serta kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan kemajuan perekonomian.

"Untuk memajukan perekonomian Aceh, elitnya perlu kondusif, dan dunia usaha pun butuh ketenangan agar investasi bisa berkembang," harap Rustam.

Tim RPJMA bidang ekonomi yang juga unsur Bappeda Aceh, Bulman Satar dalam topiknya 'Aceh dan masa depan buruh dalam kebijakan dan program pemerintah' menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah telah berusaha menggerakkan strategi KEK di Arun, KSK dataran tinggi gayo, dan KEK Barat Selatan Aceh.

"Semoga strategi ekonomi yang dicanangkan ini dapat mengurangi pengangguran di Aceh," harapnya.

Selain itu, kata Bulman, dalam meningkatkan kapasitas pekerja pemerintah punya perhatian khusus seperti menggelar pendidikan vokasional, BLK dan pelatihan lain lain. "Kendalanya, ada di industri di Aceh yang masih minim," katanya.

Acara tersebut di moderatori Nasrul Hadi, SE.


English Version

Public Discussion "May Day", BADKO HMI Aceh teamed up with the Aceh Workers Alliance

Public Discussion with the theme "The Role of Labor Organizations in Promoting Aceh's Economy" in the presence of dozens of participants consisting of OKP, Paguyuban, Students and Society at 3 in Coffee, Banda Aceh, Thursday 26 April 2018

Bekasi HE PT Aceh, Muhammad Iqbal, S. Hum as Chief of Executor said that the public discussion is the cooperation of BADKO HMI Aceh and Alliance of Workers of Aceh in commemoration of the labor day that will commemorate 1 May.

In a discussion that began at 14:00 pm it presents four speakers with different topics. Among others, Habiby Inseun as Secretary of the Aceh Workers Alliance, Syarifah Rahmatillah represents the Office of Manpower and Mobility of Aceh Population, Rustam Effendi as an Aceh economic observer, and Bulman Satar represents the RPJMA team in the economic field.

Started the discussion, the chairman of BADKO HMI Aceh Mirza Fanzikri, M. Si conveyed in his speech that this public discussion is a routine activity of BADKO HMI Aceh, in this moment of labor day we take ABA as our partner to discuss labor issues in Aceh.

Mirza said that there are three important actors that determine the progress of development, both in the region and nationally, namely the government actors as the leading sector, then private sector which is the largest tax contributor and absorb the workforce in company companies, as well as the private sector which is representative of the group community.

"The three sectors must be synergistic in pushing the progress of the regional economy, so the government as a leading sector, in addition to the duty of overseeing, we must support the government in advancing the economy through policy and implementation," Mirza said in his speech.

The ABA Secretary as the first speaker on the topic 'the contribution of labor organizations in the implementation of labor policy in Aceh' conveys that there are some policies in Aceh as a result of the encouragement of trade unions, such as the birth of Qanun No. 7 on Manpower has been fought since 2007, even though the new government endorsed in 2014, as well as Pergub 49 on exclusive breastfeeding.

"This policy already exists, but its implementation is still weak," said Habiby Inseun.

Syarifah Rahmatillah representing the Office of Manpower and Mobility of Aceh Population on the topic of 'implementation of government policy in supporting workers' welfare' conveyed that the workers were not only factory workers, but in the Act stated that the workers were those who received wages are laborers, including civil servants also laborers.

"The policy implementation of the government in determining the wage of labor is the existence of tripartite institution consisting of entrepreneurs, workers and government, and the agency also acts as an institution of supervision on workers' rights," he said.

Aceh economic observer Rustam Effendi on the topic 'The synergy of the government and labor organizations in creating a conducive investment climate conveyed that the workers' containers in Aceh have not had a good bargaining position in the eyes of the government. In fact, in the midst of economic conditions of Aceh are very plummeted like this the role of workers' organizations is very important with high bargaining position.

Rustam conveyed the economic strategy of Aceh should be improved and the strategy implemented through policies and activities to achieve economic progress objectives.

"To improve the economy of Aceh, the elite needs to be conducive, and the business world also needs calm so that investment can grow," please Rustam.

The RPJMA team in the economic sector as well as the Aceh Bappeda element, Bulman Satar on the topic 'Aceh and the future of workers in government policies and programs', said that the government has been trying to move the SEZ strategy in Arun, West Java KSK and South West KEKK.

"Hopefully this economic strategy proclaimed can reduce unemployment in Aceh," he hoped.

In addition, Bulman said, in improving the capacity of government workers to have special attention such as holding vocational education, BLK and other training. "The obstacle, there is in the industry in Aceh is still minimal," he said.

The event was moderated by Nasrul Hadi, SE.

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