in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

In addition to its beauty, trees need both humans and the environment to help prevent soil erosion, provide shade, shelter, reduce carbon dioxide, and produce oxygen. There are thousands of species of trees that live in this world. Trees are also often part of the legends and myths in many cultures. In addition to the above, there are many more unique and interesting things about the tree that has not been known...

Selain karena keindahannya, pohon diperlukan manusia maupun lingkungan untuk membantu mencegah erosi tanah, memberikan keteduhan, tempat tinggal, mengurangi karbon dioksida, serta menghasilkan oksigen.
Ada ribuan jenis pohon yang hidup di dunia ini. Pohon juga sering menjadi bagian dalam legenda maupun mitos di banyak kebudayaan.
Selain yang dikemukankan di atas, masih banyak lagi hal unik dan menarik tentang pohon yang belum banyak diketahui.

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