RE: Bebas Gunakan Tagar, Tapi Relevan
Greeting, allow me to comment.
Regardless of the use of this tag the use of that tag
Every tag that becomes trading has its own developer, for example the indonesian tag developed by @levycore and @aiqabrago
So also with #aceh, the aceh tag itself has a developer who has been working long enough to upgrade the #aceh tag by focusing the use of english in the aceh tag, they are trying very hard to advance the #aceh tag, with the small group services making the steemit known by the imaginary Crowded in aceh and very reasonable when the developers of the aceh tags become angry when the tags built so long to use english are confused by some for personal gain.
As far as I know, you @levycore and @aiqabrago belong to that small group and then you are impressed betraying the group. Of that which becomes a big question mark for us newcomers in steemit are:
1. You @levycore and @aiqabrago have inducted themselves into the curator of indonesia with the deligation service from @donkeypong. You keep saying aceh is indonesia but why we are using aceh tag and using english on article do not you admit indonesia?
2. Please show the data of the steemit member names using two tags (Indonesia and Aceh) or 1 tag (Indonesia) originating from outside of Aceh?
3. How many hundred accounts do you manage? Because I see a lot of accounts that comment with writing that is almost the same as your writing. Do not be afraid, I will struggle to uncover hundreds of your accounts.
Regardless of the use of the tag, I agree and agree with the comments @curiesea and @steemvest17
I strongly agree with @steemvest17, a little extra from me, if you @levycore was already induct yourself as kurator Indonesia and acknowledge Aceh is Indonesia then you must read repeatedly comment brother @steemvest17
Greetings, language curators, loan curators. I hope you do not have to indoctrinate. Nothing has banned the #aceh tag so far. There is only the desire that the aceh tag is always in use in English. So far Aceh does not have a curator, will create a new trend, if the Indonesian language with tag #aceh get the value of the curator Indonesia. However, it does not get the value (from the curator of Indonesia) if the related post #aceh is written in English. That is a very irrelevant thing.
I sincerely hope that you do not keep giving doctrine related to the use of language. And appreciate the steam power loan from others to you. I hope it is enough to get here an ideology conflict related to #aceh. I'm saturated, you should focus on posting using #indonesia hashtag. We are building #aceh in our way, until we actually find the right curator. Please do not ruin it all.
From your history to the curator, I can conclude that you are very unworthy to be a curator because it seems to have eliminated the privilege of steemit users to use English and use a tag that is aceh tag
How do you think the new members have been eliminated freedom?
@jamhuery, @ijoel, @green07, @munawar1, @sunbahri, @fooart, @fataelrumy, @masdika, @kardevis, @zikri, @muhajirnyakcut, @bulex, @muchsin, @awonk, @andrainsta, @azirgraff, @albuluhi , @armiden, @jafaraceh, @tmr.est96, @akilzafran, @azizali, @putrakhan, @elfaisal and many other members have been eliminated steemit freedom