Introduce My Self, Im Robi Prastio (IND-ENG)

in #indonesia7 years ago

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

Hay syedara loen mandum ( saudara saya semua) perkenalkan nama saya Robi Prastio lahir dan besar di bumi Aceh tercinta, tepatnya di Desa Sampaimah Kecamatan Manyak Payed Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Hay syedara loen mandum (my brother all) introduce my name Robi Prastio was born and grew up in Aceh beloved earth, precisely in Sampaimah Village, Manyak Payed District, Aceh Tamiang Regency.

Saat ini saya sedang kuliah di Universitas Samudra Langsa Fakultas Ekonomi dan saya telah semester tujuh saat ini.

I am currently studying at the Langsa Ocean University Faculty of Economics and I have a semester seven at this time.

Saya tertarik terhadap steemit ini di karenakan ada teman saya yang menjelaskan steemit ini, kemudian saya tertarik karena menurut saya steemit ini sangat baik dan menarik apa lagi untuk para remaja yang suka menulis curhatannya di media facebook misalnya, mereka bisa beralih di steemit ini yang lebih baik dan bisa bermanfa'at.

I am interested in this steemit because there is my friend who explained this steemit, then I am interested because I think steemit is very good and interesting what else for teenagers who like to write curhatannya in facebook media for example, they can switch in this steemit better and can be useful.

Semoga steemit ini terus di gemari masyarakat indonesia pada umumnya, dan semoga bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan juga bisa mencerdaskan masyarakat. Akhir kata saya ucapkan selamat malam, Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb, jaya steemitku, jaya bangsaku, cerdaslah masyarakat Indonesia.

Hopefully this steemit continues to enjoy Indonesian society in general, and may be useful for the community and also can educate the public. Finally I say good night, Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb, I am steemit, my people, smart people in Indonesia.


wa'alaikumussalaam.. Good introductions robibrastio... I am happy with your presence. and welcome to join the steemit community. Steemit is a social media that rewards you through interesting writing and comments. I think you have the ability to provide interesting writing in the next post. your good job will be appreciated The spirit of work and good luck robiprastio! ☺

Thanks brother @fataelrumy. Good Luck for we :)

Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

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Selamat datang di Steemit @robiprastio! Senang melihat anda ngumpul.. telah kami upvote yah.. 🙂

hehehehehe, terimakasih banyak kawan

Welcome to steemit community, hopefully you will gain experience, insight and knowledge here. Maybe you can also share the latest things that have never been known by others, thank you best regards from me @teukukhaidir

thanks friends, regards back from me

welcome to steemit world . Always Remember 5 points..
1)Never copy paste content from any where ..
2)It can take some time but if you work hard , God will definitely give you success..
3)Never abuse anyone or post haterade content on steemit..
4)Daily post will increase your REPUTATION SCORE (number by the side of your name)
Reputation score is mainly based on upvotes and comments .
No matter what you post ,if it gets upvotes and comments then reputation score will increase
Don't let anyone flag you or downvote you..
5)Your first post should be your introduction..
I wish you success
You can follow me @be4u

Thank you my brother

selamat datang robi di steemit

Terimakasih Mas Profesor Harfatzli :D

Selamat datang pada komunitas steemit ini. Hshshhs @robiprastio

Terimakasih atas sambutannya sobat. Sukses buat kita.

Welcome to steemit @robiprastio. Semoga betah ya ..,

Welcome to steemit @robiprastio. Semoga betah ya ...

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