The National Hero's Travel Story '' Dr. Sutomo ''. 🇲🇨

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Sutomo or better known as Bung Tomo or Pak Tom, he was born on July 30, 1888 in Ngepah village, Nganjuk regency, East Java. He was born with the name Soebroto.Soebroto is the son of Raden Suwaji a nobleman who served as a wedana or subdistrict head in Maospati , Madiun. image

Sutomo's childhood Since childhood Soebroto has been raised by his grandparents. His grandfather imagenamed Raden Ngabehi Singowijoyo is very fond of him as well as his grandmother. Even so, Soebroto did not really spoil himself to his grandparents. Soeboto's small age has good character and polite to the people, especially to his parents. At the age that stepped on the children of Soebroto dititipkan to his uncle named Arjodipuro in Bangil.This place was registered by the school's Uncle at his elementary school in the Netherlands, the Europeesche Lagere School (ELS). But at that time Soebroto was not accepted at school. The next day his uncle brought Soebroto back to meet the principal to express his desire to include his nephew but with the name Sutomo.With the name Soebroto successfully received in Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) .Since then also (1896) , Soebroto changed its name to Suto mo who is now known as a national hero. Sutomo and his parents did not mind the name itu.Sekomo, including students who are clever so well respected by his friends both Indonesian children and Dutch children. Even the Dutch teachers are also dear to him. In addition smart in academic lessons, he also likes to exercise.after completing his lessons in elementary school, Sutomo intends to continue his doctor's school in Jakarta (STOVIA). Sutomo's desire was fully supported by his parents. At the age of 15, on January 10, 1903, Sutomo with 13 other friends from various regions of Indonesia registered himself in STOVIA. Among his close friends there is the name Gunawan Mangunkusumo, Gumbreg, Soeradji, Mohammad
Saleh and M.Sulaiman.Saat studying at STOVIA, Sutomo get a great trial, on July 28, 1907 he got a telegram announcing that his father died. This incident brought a big change in attitude and thinking in the future, so that Sutomo met with Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo.Beliau a retired doctor who has the ideals to establish a body that organizes education funds for children who can not afford.

Meeting Sutomo with National Movement Movement In 1907, Dr. Wahidin went to Banten. In his trip he had stopped and met the students STOVIA in Jakarta. In this place he met with Sutomo, then he told the noble ideals itu.Bagi Sutomo his personal encounter brought a tremendous influence on his attitudes, thinking and solidifying his ideals to defend the small people. In addition to the great influence of dr.Wahidin, Sutomo also gained a great influence from dr Douwes Dekker, a Indo-Dutch who fought a lot in the interest of the people of Indonesia.Dr Douwes Dekker had founded Indische Partij together with Dr. Tjipto Mangunkoesoemo and Suwardi Suryaningrat or often known as 3 serangkai.Berbagai Douwes Dekker writings are very influential to the nation of Indonesia, which is accelerating and encouraging the emergence of national movement. Due to the influence of the two the character, Sutomo more mature and mant ap to carry out his ideals.

Established Budi Utomo

After meeting with Dr. Wahidin, STOVIA students agreed that "noble ideals would not have been possible if it had not set up a society." Finally with the idea STOVIA students set up an association called Budi Utomo (the main mind). Budi Utomo was founded on Wednesday, May 20, 1908. This name was born from the words of Dr. Wahidin when about to parting with Sutomo, that is the nobody of Saam and the nobakaken bali (that is a good deed and the main reason). After the name of Budi Utomo accepted by all meeting participants such as Sutomo, Gumbreg, Soeradji, Gunawan Mangunkusumo, Mohammad Saleh, M.Sulaiman, Suwarno and Figures, the following election of administrators was formulated.

Chairman: Sutomo

Vice Chairman: Sulaiman

Secretary I: Suwarno image

Secretary II: Gunawan Mangunkusumo

Treasurer: Number

Commissioner: Suwarno and Muhammad Saleh

In a short time, Budi Utomo got many supporters and members. But this development got negative response especially STOVIA teachers who worried about Budi Utomo will fight the Dutch East Indies government.In fact, Sutomo imagewould threatened to be excluded from STOVIA.Namun Sutomo and his friends received great support from the principal of dr.HFRoll, even he gave loan money for the purposes of the first Budi Utomo congress in Yogyakarta.Pada October 3, 1908 at 21:00 Congress Budi Utomo officially opened. This Congress lasted until 5 October 1908. The congress led by Dr. Wahidin has succeeded in establishing and endorsing the constitution. The organization of Budi Utomo has the most important goal of promoting and fostering the people to achieve independence, until at the end of 1909 Budi Utomo has 40 branches with 10,000 members. Sutomo still lead Budi Utomo Jakarta branch until he graduated to become a doctor d i in 1911. image

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