What Happens If Massive Fraud Is Found In the Fed?
What if what DOGE is turning up now is small potatoes? And that they find that the Dumbocraps have set up more money movements? Some straight from the Fed. In such large amounts that the money printed is 100x or even 1000x what has been shown on the books?
In order to keep secrets quiet, this requires a lot of money. And the global elite hate spending their own money, so have their congress critters authorize their money printer to print extra money to pay these people to keep quiet.
What happens when we find out that there is this much fraud. So much fraud that it completely changes our understanding of how much money is in the system.

USAID was small potatoes
If you are a person who is against mutilating children for a fake cause, you will naturally be angry at a group using your tax money to perform "surgeries" that end with 50% suicides, and if they do not take their lives, it leaves the child with a festering wound for the rest of their lives.
And your tax dollars were used to perform such vial acts AND promote it.
What if you found that your tax dollars were used for most of the school shootings? (all the ones that were really in the news)
"How many children have to die before you give up your guns?"
This is not a question, this is a threat. And those mother WEFers will spend all of your money to promote this.
What if you found that your tax dollars were used to keep your children from learning useful stuff in school, and instead had self-hate and debauchery taught to them?
What if you found that your tax dollars are used to kidnap, transport, and house children for all kinds of villainous purposes?

What happened to the Ft Knox Gold?
We all know that no audit has been done in Ft. Knox's vaults for decades. And, if the gold was there, then the easiest thing is to open the vaults, and let someone count the bars. The dragging of feet in the auditing of the gold would logically mean that the gold is not there.
However, there is one other explanation. The gold is on the balance sheet at the Treasury as gold certificates and gold that we owe. (not the correct words, but its close) How do you have assets and debits in the same column?
And the other half is on the balance sheet at the Fed. As both an asset and a debit.
So, we do not know who owns the Ft. Knox gold. Nor, where it is.
Just looking into this has opened a can of worms.

How many people are being paid to stay quiet?
We know about Epstein and Diddly, but who else?
Why do we know so little about what is happening in Antarctica?
What about the secret space force?
What about NASA and Area 51?
How much is the Cocain Import Agency being paid to keep the JFK stuff hushed up?
If you pay people to stay quiet, you also have to have an enforcement arm to clean up talkers.
Catherine Austin Fitts talks about the "Breakaway Civilization". Secrecy levels above Top Secret. And just think how much they pay to keep this group of people out of the news, but still buying parts for their secret space crafts, more or less on the open market.
This is a LOT of hush money.
And T.H.E.Y. are getting you to pay for it. With ALL of your retirement savings.

We are in for a very tumultuous time with the financial system.
We are about to find that we are worse than broke.
We are about to find out how bad the politirats have been.
So, be prepared for a lot of things happening.
- New currency on a block chain to be issued in exchange for old dollars.
- Gold's price to go way down. Not sure if this connected to new valuation of new dollar, or because faith in gold being stable when 10x, 100x of it is shown to exist.
- Lots of people selling secrets. Because their sugar daddy's money ran out.
- Galloping inflation. At least.
- Pandemonium
This is going to be a year of secrets being revealed.
The trouble is that many of these secrets are what kept our entire financial system doing what it was doing. And, it looks like DOGE is going to run smack into it. Opening up Pandora's Jar.
Have some cash, some silver and some crypto. You will need each at different times as everything changes.

There is no doubt that the Dumbocrats have allowed or performed no oversight whatsoever on anything spending and want the country to tank bad. I hope they don't come after you because they are at best spoiled tyrants
I hope they don't either.
But i am banking on the secrets revealed being close enough that they don't have time.
But, but, i didn't have space in this post to talk about the Repulsivekins and all that missing Pentagram money/funding.
The Fed is already a fraudulent scheme that works at the behest of the banksters. If you were around for the 2008 recession you might remember the $8 trillion in discount rate emergency loans they gave to the banksters that caused the recession without disclosing it until several years after the recession.
and then they gave all the bankster CEOs bonuses… and then had to withdraw them because of public outrage.