There Is No Such Thing As Germans - Says Leader Of "The Green Party" (De Grüne): Explaining Cultural Masochism

During a TV-interview the leader of De Grüne in Germany said that there is no such thing as a german people and that germany therefore is not a sovereign nation.


You cannot betray a people if the people don't exist.

Said Robert Habeck to the newspaper Junge Freiheit.

When he was asked about the concept of treason, Habeck answered;

It's a nazi concept. There is no people, and as a consqeunce of that, you cannot betray anyone.

When asked about Islam he said;

Tension, but also very colorful

Not The Only Politician With Those Opinions

Stefanie Von Berg said recently that the eradication of ethnic germans through mass immigration was a positive thing.


Redgreen politician Gregor Gysi said that those who oppose mass immigration are nazis, and that it is good that germans no longer get enough children to maintain their majority. This is sort of a punishment for the seond world war.


Is It Some Sort Of Twisted Masochism?

We all know about masochist who enjoy sexual gratification from one's own pain or humiliation. Douglas Murray has with his book "The strange death of Europe" tried to tie not only white guilt but also masochism with the immigration to Europe.

The left preach about tolerance and diversity without offering practical ways those ideals can be maintained. The substance is dangerously flimsy.

The culture of white guilt has left us with a heritage of "original sin" from which we can never be redeemed. This is what is stopping politicians from limiting immigration.

Also, the cultural masochism has found its sadists in Islamic terrorism.

This could be explained by emotional masochism. They are more comfortable when they feel sad or consider themselves a failure in life. People who prefer these kind of feelings may ofte have been bullied and abused earlier in life.

The fact is that we are bullied from we are kids. Bullied and terrorised by the state, by absent parents who work for materialistic things instead of spending time with their kids. Bullied by propaganda and white guilt. And of course that turns us into emotional masochists. Why wouldn't it? Women who experience abusive fathers seek abusive partners. It sounds absurd, but thats whats safe to them. Its familiar, at least.

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Give it a hundred years, and there will be literally no Germans left, nor any other type of White people in existence. It is obvious that this is, simply, wishful thinking of evil people hell bent on genocide.

Neo-marxists are so miserable that they would rather see the world burn than do something positive.

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