
China is the #1 polluter/CO2 emitter, I'd like to see her travel to China and lecture the communist party.

I think she could fit the acting role of Wednesday Addams of the Addams family, assuming she could avoid having her organs harvested in the name of the Socialist state.

Posted using Partiko Android

Do not insult Wednesday Addams! 😩

Bravo, you have the common decency to tell me why you downvoted unlike the cowering turds those that don't are. Peace.

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven’t downvoted you 😅

A thousand Gothic pardons as I can still dream of playing the part of the eternal Morticia. The game is still afoot! 🦇

Posted using Partiko Android awaits you

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She spoke at the UN, idiot

And is Premier Li Keqiang himself at the UN? Ambassador MA Zhaoxu, of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations will likely submit an ABC prioritized report to Li and the State Council of issues assuming if she gets on the C list. While western media and the UN Globalists make a big deal out of their darling little Eco girl, the Chinese government doesn't until Trump puts a price tag with it. Li himself will likely not read past the B list. I live among lots of Chinese people for years as my neighbors, even learned some Cantonese, and my son is learning Mandarin. I got a pretty good idea how they think. Peace.

Posted using Partiko Android

lol dude what does this have to do with the fact that all nations need to get into gear?

I do my part, with a small Recycling business on the side. Doesn't make much, practically loose change but what's your agenda? For me like @drakos I've seen a lot of Doomsday predictions come and go. I got out of joining Doomsday religious cults as this has the same hallmarks of one as those in the past. If I'm an idiot, then I am one for believing everything they say and joining them without looking at the bigger picture. I do not see this as genuine altruism as it's more about gaining power, and the puppet strings leading up to the corporations that are controlling this narrative of fear, meanwhile my Carbon tax dollars just disappear into corporate pockets as little else is really done.

Posted using Partiko Android

We aren't predicting anything anymore, people have legitimately died already all over the hottest parts of the world. Carbon taxes are regressive and only hurt the people, don't let neoliberal tomfoolery lead you astray.

Posted using Partiko Android

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