Vaccines that might actually have benefited humanity (and prevented the opioid crisis)...fraught with delays...Hmmm.

in #informationwar6 years ago

There has been talk since the 1970s about developing vaccines that would bind the molecules of addictive substances when ingested by the body, and pass them out through the digestive system before they can effect the central nervous system. Strangely (or maybe not, given your world view) these vaccines have still not reached the market despite the widely-acknowledged opioid crisis killing thousands annually in the United States alone.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been talking about the possibility since at least 2003. See:

...but here we are 17 years, and a major crisis later, and they are still talking. See:

Need I even start in again with the fact that Malthusians run the world? Or...that the elite love nothing better than a compliant, malleable, lethargic, just-healthy-enough-to-work-but-constantly-sick-enough-to-need-"medical"-attention type of populace? This is a vaccine--especially if kept voluntary--that I might actually support.

Consider this excerpt from the top (earlier) article:

" During the past decade, many groups have explored the feasibility of using vaccines directed against drugs of abuse as a means of eliminating illicit drug use as well as drug overdose and neurotoxicity. Vaccines work by inducing drug-specific antibodies in the bloodstream that bind to the drug of abuse and prevent its entry into the brain. The majority of work in this area has been conducted with vaccines and antibodies directed against cocaine and nicotine. On the basis of preclinical work, vaccines for cocaine and nicotine are now in clinical trials because they can offer long-term protection with minimal treatment compliance."

That quote is from the government source and dated 2003, and they admit the vaccine for drug addiction has been in the works for at least a decade prior to that. So, really, we've been waiting for 30 years for these vaccines.


And how quickly are other vaccines that are well known to be dangerous been in development before a few greased palms get THEM to market without sufficient testing in record time?

While a whole range of addictive substances have been examined for their potential to be immunized against, the particular case of opioid addiction and the effective potential vaccines against it is particularly disturbing. Check out this excerpt from the second article:

"In 1970, Spector and Parker reported the development of a vaccine against morphine [Spector and Parker, 1970]. The antibodies produced by vaccinated rabbits were used in a radioimmnoassay for morphine. In 1972, Ryan and colleagues reported that heroin users had antibodies against morphine in their blood [Ryan et al. 1972], and in 1975 Hill and colleagues successfully immunized rabbits against morphine by using a conjugate vaccine consisting of 6-succinylmorphine (6-SM) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) [Hill et al. 1975]. As heroin is very quickly hydrolyzed to 6-acetylmorphine in the serum of users, this vaccine would have been useful against both morphine and heroin. The next step would logically have been clinical trials of such a vaccine, but methadone, a synthetic opioid that blocks the euphoric effects of heroin, became available and it has been successfully used up until the present time to help relieve heroin addiction"

So...for almost 50 years, we could have eliminated the potential for a renewal of the 60s-70s-era opiod crisis by employment of NEARLY PERFECTED vaccination processes, but NOOOOOO!..Somebody obviously decided that methadone was far more profitable (and less effective.)

This is the kind of thing that should make "our representatives'" blood boil, but, sadly, most of them are "on the take" to the Big Pharma companies that make all the decisions about human health.

At some point, we need to hold public trials for these big pharma decision makers who are now RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OUR COUNTRYMEN by their decision to put profits ahead of real human health.


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