Kadang aku merasa rendah diri karena miskin (Sometimes I feel inferior because of poor)

in #inspiration7 years ago

Sahabat steemians, simaklah postingan ini..... sangat bagus untuk dibaca

Apabila kita telah berusaha dan bekerja keras.
Apabila kita telah jalani Shalat yang lima waktu.
Apabila kita sudah melakukan Shalat Dhuha, Tahajud, Dzikir, Shalawat dan Berdoa, namun tetap miskin juga.

Tak perlu merasa rendah diri apalagi protes pada-NYA

Seorang anak bertanya kepada ibunya :
Ibu, mengapa kita miskin ?

Dengan tenang sang ibu berkata :
Nak, hidup ini seperti jalan-jalan di supermarket. Semua orang boleh memilih dan membawa barang apa saja yang ia inginkan.

Siapa yg membawa sepotong roti, maka ia harus membayar seharga sepotong roti,
Siapa yg membawa tiga potong roti, iapun harus membayar tiga potong roti.

Sementara kita tak mungkin membawa apa-apa karena tak punya uang untuk membelinya.
Dipintu kasirpun kita tak akan diperiksa, dibiarkan jalan begitu saja.

Begitu pula kelak di Hari Kiamat nak.
Saat orang-orang kaya antri menjalani pemeriksaan untuk dimintai pertanggung jawaban.

Saat orang-orang kaya ditanya tentang :
Darimana hartanya mereka peroleh ?
Dan kemana hartanya mereka gunakan ?

Kita dibiarkan terus berjalan tanpa beban.
Lebih enak bukan !. Apakah engkau masih juga belum bisa menerima ?

Anakku, jika kita memang ditakdirkan menjadi orang miskin :


Karena setelah kematian, kemiskinan itu akan sirna.


Barangkali, jika kita kaya belum tentu bisa lebih bertakwa
Mungkin juga, dengan kemiskinan kita akan lebih mudah meraih SURGA-NYA.


Karena kaya dan miskin bukanlah ukuran Mulia dan Hinanya manusia.
Tetaplah berprasangka baik pada ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Singkirkan rasa iri , cemburu dan buanglah tanda tanya, Tentang Kehendak-NYA

Sang Pembagi Nikmat.

Mungkin jatah yang buat kita masih tersimpan di SURGA.
Menunggu kita Siap Menerimanya....

Ingatlah apa yg disampaikan Rasulullah.. Bahwa " sesungguhnya kekayaan itu bukan terletak pada banyaknya harta benda, tapi pada hati dan ketenangan jiwa"

Barakallahu Fiikum
Mudah mudahan bermanfaat
salam sejahtera dan bahagia selalu dari @afie

Friends of steemians, see this post ..... very good to read

If we have tried and worked hard.
If we have lived the five daily prayers.
When we have done Dhuha Prayer, Tahajud, Dhikr, Prayer and Pray, but still poor as well.

No need to feel inferior let alone protest at HIS

One child asked his mother:
Mother, why are we poor?

Calmly the mother said:
Son, life is like a walk in the supermarket. Everyone can choose and carry whatever he wants.

Whoever carries a piece of bread, then he must pay for a piece of bread,
Whoever brings three loaves of bread, he also has to pay three loaves of bread.

While we can not bring anything because we have no money to buy it.
In the cashier's door we will not be examined, just left the road.

Similarly later on the Day of Judgment son.

When rich people queue up for inspection to be held accountable.

When the rich are asked about:
Where did they get the money from?
And where do they use their property?

We are allowed to continue walking without burden.
Better is not it! Are you still not able to receive?

My son, if we are destined to be poor: "


Because after death, that poverty will disappear.


Perhaps, if we are rich we may not be more cautious
Perhaps also, with poverty we will more easily reach HEAVEN.


Because rich and poor is not a measure of His Majesty and humankind.
Keep prejudiced in ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Get rid of jealousy, jealousy and remove question marks, about His Will

The Delightful Deliverer.

Perhaps the quota that we keep is still stored in HEAVEN.
Waiting for us to be ready to ....

Remember what the Prophet said .. That "the wealth is not lying in the wealth of things, but the heart and tranquility of the soul"

Barakallahu Fiikum
Hopefully useful
greetings prosperous and happy always from @afie

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