Three Stories That Will Change Your Mind!


1st Story

(Bright Blue Stone Price)

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A very knowledgeable sadhu Maharaj had come to a city, many humbled, sad and troubled people started coming to him to get his kindness. One such sad, poor man came to him and said to Sadhu Maharaj, 'I am very poor in Maharaj, I have a debt too, I am very upset. Do me some favors'.

Sadhu Maharaj gave him a bright blue stone and said that this is a precious stone, go get it as much as you can. The man left from there and with the intention of saving him, he went to a fruit seller he knew and wanted to know the price by showing the stone.

The fruit seller said, 'I think it is a blue glass, the Mahatma has given it to you, yes it looks beautiful and bright, you give it to me, I will give you 1000 rupees.

Frustrated, the man went to another acquaintance who was a pottery merchant. He also showed the merchant to that stone and wanted to know its value to avoid it. The merchant of utensils said, 'This stone is a special gem, I will give you 10,000 rupees for it. The man started thinking that its price would be even higher and he started thinking from there.

The man now showed this stone to a goldsmith, the goldsmith looked at that stone carefully and said that it is very valuable, I will give you Rs. 1,00,000.

The man now understood that it was very priceless, he thought why not show it to the diamond merchant, thinking that he went to the biggest diamond merchant in the city. When that diamond merchant saw that stone, he kept looking Gaya, watchful expressions started appearing on his face. He applied that stone from the forehead and asked, where did you bring it from. This is priceless. Even if I sell my entire property, I cannot pay its price.

Learning From The Story

How do we rate ourselves? Are we the ones who form opinions about us? Your life is priceless, no one can buy your life. You can do what you think about yourself. Never underestimate yourself from the negative comments of others.

2nd Story

(Group Of Frogs)

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A group of frogs was going through the path of the forest. Suddenly two frogs fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw that the pit is too deep, all the frogs standing above shouted, 'You both cannot get out of this pit, the pit is too deep, you both give up hope to get out of it.

The two frogs probably did not listen to the frogs standing above and they continued to jump to get out of the pit. The frogs standing outside kept saying, 'Both of you are working in vain, you should give up, both of you should give up. You can't get out.

One of the two frogs that fell into the pit, the frog overheard the frogs standing upstairs, and, leaving the jump, he sat down in a corner disappointed. The second frog kept trying, he kept jumping as much as he could.

All the frogs standing outside were constantly saying that you should give up, but that frog might not be able to listen to them and kept jumping and after a lot of effort he came out. The other frogs said, "Did you not listen to us?"

The frog pointed out that he could not listen to them because he was deaf and could not hear, so he could not listen to anyone. He was thinking that everyone is encouraging him.

Learning From The Story

  1. Whenever we speak, they affect people, so always speak positively.

  2. Whatever people say, you have complete faith in yourself and think positively.

  3. We get success only through hard work, confidence, and positive thinking.

3rd Story

(The Eagle & Hen)

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There was a banyan tree in a forest. An eagle lived in a nest on the tree where he laid eggs. A wild hen had laid eggs under the same tree. One day one of the eggs of that eagle dropped down and got into the hen's eggs.

Time elapsed and the eagle child came out of that egg and he grew up thinking that he is a chicken. He grew up with the fowl kids. He does the same things that a hen does. He murmured like a chicken, digging the ground and swallowing the grain, and he could fly as high as a chicken.

One day, he saw an eagle in the sky which was flying with great grace. He asked his hen mother, what is the name of the bird that is flying so high. The hen replied he is an eagle. Then the eagle child asked, "Why can't I fly so high mother?" He said you cannot fly so high because you are a chicken. He agreed to the chicken and died one day while living the chicken.

Learning From The Story

Whatever we think or try something new, others stop us by saying that you cannot do this, it cannot happen and we change our mind thinking that I really cannot do this and give up Let's take it.

The main reason for this is lack of trust in yourself, lack of trust in your powers, lack of confidence in your work. Friends, what people say, let the people say it is their job to say, trust in yourself, identify yourself. Friends, even if victory is certain, cowards also fight, brave they are called, who are sure to lose, yet do not leave the field!

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