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RE: Anger

Yes, and isn't it interesting that people who live by their emotions seem to think it's perfectly fine to do that. They are the same people who believe that other people can 'make' them feel a certain way. And are likely to be people who enjoy the 'drama and trauma' in their lives. Which goes back to the whole emotional maturity thing.

I remember talking to a friend, complaining about someone and at some point she must have gotten tired of hearing it. She looked at me and said, "Get over it." I was shocked! My first thought was hey, I'm looking for a little sympathy here! Second thought was, wait, I can do that? Just get over it and move on? That one simple comment from years ago has helped me so much!

I believe too that anger is the quick response to hiding hurt. Easier to be angry than step back and look inside.

Really good insights, thank you!